



2024-07-18 12:22:54 来源:网络


have fevers是对吗 -
不对,fever意思是发烧的时候是不可数名词,不加s。正确是:have fever。但在加上表示种类、程度的定语时,通常要加不定冠词a,如:have a high fever发高烧。fever读法英[ˈfiːvə(r)] 美[ˈfiːvər]n.发烧,发热;狂热,高度兴奋;热病v.使发烧,..
They have fevers.是不对的!!!FEVER是不可数名词.应该是THEY HAVE FEVER .THE WINDOW BROKE .的意思是窗户打烂了有帮助请点赞。,WINDOW是死物,肯定不行.英文学好点!


cough, cold, fever都是可数名词吗 -
说they/the children/xx people的时候可数说she/he/it/I的时候不可数,
温度英文怎么读 -
读音:英['temprətʃə(r)]  美['temprətʃər]n. 气温;体温;温度;发烧词汇搭配:1、body temperature 体温2、room temperature 室温3、at a temperature 在某一温度4、temperature of water 水温常见句型:1、The temperature is up 10 degrees有帮助请点赞。
例句The boxer has fought many opponents.该拳手已与许多对手交锋。We must band together to fight the common enemy.我们必须联合起来, 对抗我们共同的敌人。Melinda Gates says there is work now to bring a new drug to India and Bangladesh to fight what is known as black fever.梅林达说完了。
英语冠词问题:选择 -
When the government office building was under _A_fire ,the crowd got into _A_panic.fire火,panic恐慌,慌乱,这两个单词都为不可数名词,且都不是特指。所以不用冠词(零冠词)I like _D_colour of your skirt . It is _B_good match for your blouse.color颜色本为不可数名词,但是这里有帮助请点赞。
Once a week have a swim/walk/talk/look/dance/drink/ rest have a cold/ headache / fever /cough have a good time have a try in a hurry after a while keep a diary go for a walk in a minute in a word in a short while an则用于元音音素前an hour, an honest boy , an是什么。
...a fever last week. 解释a bit后面不是加不可数名词吗 怎么接了个...
a bit of a到此结束了?。表示“有点到此结束了?。”做形容词,后面加名词有点发烧。
you?What's wrong with you?(代表生气?我真搞不懂了)回答:I have a stomachache.是对的都要加a ,不分单复数,这是固定用法还有这些都一样:◆ have a sore throat 嗓子痛◆ have a fever 发烧,发热◆ have a toothache 牙痛◆ have a backache 背痛◆ have a headache 头痛等我继续说。