



2024-07-19 18:21:15 来源:网络


feel造句简单 -
用单词feel造句:1. She could feel herself blushing.她可以感到脸都红了。2. I feel quite exhausted.我感到筋疲力尽。3. I feel so happy that I can see you.我能见你感觉很开心。4. To feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing, when all the romance is far 说完了。
1、feel like 1)释义:想要;感到好似2)例句I feel like part of the group now.我现在感觉像这个团体的一部分了。2、feel free 1)释义:随便,轻松2)例句Feel free to join us, if you want to.如果你想,随便加入到我们里。3、feel about 1)释义:摸索2)例句How do you f到此结束了?。


关于feel的句子 -
10.On a beautiful day like today, I feel like I want for nothing.就像在今天一样的好天气里,我感觉自己一无所求.11.But you might experiment to select the email service you feel does the best job.但是,你可以试着选择你认为在这方面做的最好的电子邮件服务.12.You feel so cold th到此结束了?。
I feel very angry .(我感到很生气。
用feel 造句 -
回答:I feel it easy to do it myself.I feel it happy to stay with you.
1. I feel very tired 2.She feels hot 3.He feels cold 4.They make me feel awful 5.I feel nervous
求feel词组短语句型 -
feel like;Feel the noise 短语:feel like 想要;感到想要做;欲;很想要Feel the noise 感受热浪;感受喧嚣;舞动的节奏feel down in the dumps 情绪低落;心情不好;心境不好;情感低落feel well 感觉舒服;感觉好;感到好例:Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder.我突然感到肩部到此结束了?。
 1.am feeling very depressed 我觉得非常沮丧。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2.It feels good to have finished a piece of work 完成一项工作后感觉很好。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3.The metal felt smooth and cold 这种金属摸起来冰冷而光滑。
feel用于什么句型 -
feel + doing sth feel 为系动词,所以后边只能接名词、形容词或动名词。读音:英[fiːl] ;美[fiːl]v. 感觉;觉得;触摸;摸起来;认为;摸索n. 感觉;触觉例:Take a deep breath, and you will feel relaxed.深深地吸一口气,那样你会觉得轻松的。例:She felt the child希望你能满意。
1. I am feeling very depressed. 我感到很沮丧。2. I could feel that a man was watching me very intensely. 我能感觉到一个男人正紧盯着我看。3. I feel certain that it will all turn out well. 我觉得最后肯定一切都会很好.4. Neither of them felt like going back to sl还有呢?