



2024-07-19 13:04:43 来源:网络


feature in是什么意思? -
feature in意思是出现在;占重要位置;起重要作用。feature in 词义:动词:出现在;占重要位置;起重要作用。固定搭配:Feature in wetland 湿地特点。例句:1、The church tower was a prominent feature in the landscape. 教堂的尖塔曾经是此地景观的重要特色。2、Televisions are a standard feature i还有呢?
featured这里是个形容词,表示“作为特色的”,另外这里不是一个搭配,这里只是用介词in表示,城市生活和乡村生活在“这些方面”各有特点一般运用featured,我给你造几个句子:the painting featured freely brushed strokes 那幅画以随意的笔划为特色Americana are featured in the exhibit 展览展出了关于希望你能满意。


三个英语习题 -
1.under discussion在讨论中,固定短语3.d。如果自来水象一些人以为的那样危险,那么我们当中会有更多的人会生病。2.virtue高尚的道德,正直的品性;美德,好习惯feature特色,特点.脸的一部分,Noise is a feature of city life.characteristic特点特征The chief characteristic of fish is that they 到此结束了?。
common market (欧洲)共同市场;欧洲共同体common feature 共同特征common knowledge n. 常识;大家都知道的事common name [化]常用名;普通名称;普通名common life 平淡生活,
救命呀!几道托福语法题! -
一:主干即The appointments are made by the president.二:Understanding the past requires examining the ruins. examing the ruins是动名词构成的短语,作宾语,相当于一个名词三:as the state's poet laureate是介词短语,作状语,相当于一个副词四:包含从句。ease是先行词,which是关系代词,..
finger 手指 feature 特点 特色 feather 羽毛句意:很多人为保持苗条而节食。12. The two parties have long been in .A. contrast B. contradict C. conflict D. enemy 选C in conflict 在斗争中固定搭配constrast 相反的contradict 矛盾反对 enemy 敌对句意:两到此结束了?。
英语周报高二课标2015-2016第.34期答案解析 -
由第三段中的computers can't handleany process that completely integrates information和第四段中的the ability to integrateinformation is a key feature of consciousness可知,计算机没有整合信息的能力,所以没有意识。33. C。细节理解题。由第五、六段的描述可知,大脑可以整合信息,第六段举例来说明这一论点。
根据Welsh Mountain Zoo部分中的it has arather special feature —everything around it和There are views —360 degrees in places —across the sea, mountainsand down the Conwy Valley可知,威尔士山地动物园因其独特的地理位置,可以让游客欣赏到各种风景,而不只是动物。23. B。细节理解题。根据Port 好了吧!
帮忙检查下这段话有没语法错误,如何改正 -
(6)In this paper, we proposed a novel random subspace method by constucting a set of stable classifiers to take advantage of nearly all the discriminative information in the high dimensional feature space. 这句话好长。没明白在说啥,主要是楼主没提供这篇文章的主题或者学术背景。..