



2024-07-21 09:24:55 来源:网络


down to earth什么意思 -
脚踏实地双语对照词典结果:down to earth [英][daun tu: ə:θ][美][daʊn tu ɚθ]务实地,现实地; 切切实实;以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The man who helped bring solar power down to earth was elliot berman.帮助将太阳能动力从太空拉回地球的人是艾略特伯曼(e有帮助请点赞。
美['dauntə'ə:θ]adj. 实际的;现实的更多释义>> [网络短语]Down-to-earth 现实的,脚踏实地的,实际的down-to -earth 脚踏实地a down-to-earth spirit 求实精神,


down-to-earth是什么意思及反义词 -
down-to-earth adj.切切实实的; 接地气的实际的;脚踏实地;现实的例句筛选1.He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out.他决定派一只天使到地球去检查。2.Bill was sitting and daydreaming so his mother told him to come down toearth and do his homework.比尔坐到此结束了?。
down to earth可以指一个人很谦虚(humble),不吹嘘,很务实(practical),不脱离实际满嘴跑火车;也可以指一个人不装逼(unpretentious),很通情达理(reasonable),不胡搅蛮缠;也可以指一个人很简单(simple)不故意装复杂;或者很实际(realistic)不好高骛远;或者很明事理很切合实际(sensible)或很实用主后面会介绍。
down to earth可以形容物吗 -
down to earth这个词特别和中文常说的“脚踏实地”相契合,都是用坚实的地面来形容来比作“务实”的性格。She's a down to earth woman with no pretensions.她是那种很务实、毫不虚荣的女人。earth用法1、earth作“地球”解时常以单数形式出现,前加定冠词,也可作为专有名词,这时要用(the) 等我继续说。
这是justin写给他的父母的歌,DOWN TO EARTH在原版CD上翻译为回到现实。我根据justin写给父母的原因,加了修饰。若有不好,还请大家帮忙修正,谢谢!justin bieber--down to earth 的中文歌词I never thought that it be easy 我从来没有想过这些事是那么容易Cause me both so distance now 这有帮助请点赞。
be down to earth什么意思 -
be down-to-earth:脚踏实地down to earth:adj. 实际的(实事求是的,合理的)例句与用法:1. Clearly, AmEx will be a smaller company in the post-Robinson era. It is likely to sell its Shearson Lehman Brothers division, giving up dreams of becoming a"financial supermarket." Company 有帮助请点赞。
be down-to-earth:英/bi daʊn tu ɜːθ/ 美/bi daʊn tu ɜːrθ/。脚踏实地。双语例句:People should be down-to-earth, instead of being over-ambitious.做人应该脚踏实地,不要好高骛远。Be a down-to-earth person, you will get more 有帮助请点赞。
跪求peter gabriel 的down_to_earth歌词和翻译 -
歌手:Peter Gabriel 歌曲:Down to Earth 完整歌词及翻译:Did you think that your feet had been bound 你觉得自己的双脚被by what gravity brings to the ground?重力带到地上的东西束缚住吗?Did you feel you were tricked 你觉得自己被by the future you picked?你选择的未来愚弄了吗?We还有呢?
down to earth down to earth降落在地球上on our way back down to earth在我们回到地球的路上(back down to earth ~~~)mommy you'll always and somewhere 母亲你总是在某个地方and daddy i live outta down父亲和我住在乡村so tell me how could i ever be所以告诉我应该怎样变得正常等我继续说。