



2024-07-23 19:03:23 来源:网络


门的英文怎么说 -
门的英文:door 读音:英[dɔː] 美[dɔr]n. 门;家,户;门口;通道n. (Door)人名;英)多尔词组短语:1、at the door 在门边2、open the door 开门3、next door 隔壁4、door to door 挨家挨户5、front door 前门常见句型:1、She demonstrated her 还有呢?
门的英文读door【dɔː】。door英[dɔː]n.门;户;门口;出入口;(进入或逃离的)途径,门路;同义词:panel 短语搭配短语』behind closed doors秘密地;私下『短语』by/through the back door偷偷摸摸地;不光明正大地『短语』to close the door on sth将…拒之门外;..


门的英文怎么说 -
door,读音:英[dɔː(r)] 美[dɔːr] 。中文:n. 门;家,户;门口;通道。n. (Door)人名;英)多尔。短语:Next door [建] 隔壁; 在隔壁; 隔邻的; 邻居revolving door 旋转门; 走马灯; 转门; 十字形旋转门fire door 防烟门; [建] 防火后面会介绍。
door的英文是【dɔːr】。1、door,英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“门;家,户;门口;通道,人名;英)多尔”。2、短语搭配有next door隔壁;隔壁的房间,邻近的建筑,隔壁邻居等;at the door在(赛事等的)当场;back door后门;开后门的;不正当的;next door to隔壁;差不多;几等我继续说。
英文door是什么意思、 -
door英[dɔ:(r)]美[dɔr,dor]n.门,户; 出入口; 一家[户]; 通道;[例句]I knocked at the front door, but there was no answer 我敲了敲前门,没有人应。
门的英文是door。英式读音是[dɔː];美式读音是[dɔr]。相关例句:1、门He left the door open.他把门开着。2、门口;出入口[S1]A salesman was standing in the door.一个推销员站在门口。3、家,户,门面She lived five doors from Jennie.她住的地方与珍妮隔五家。..
英语单词门怎么写 -
门的英语单词:door 读音:英[dɔː(r)] 美[dɔːr]n. 门;门口;途径词汇搭配:1、car door车门2、kitchen door厨房门3、door bell门铃4、door frame门框常见句型:1、He was left to attend to the door during the holidays.假日期间,他留下看门。2、They还有呢?
门的英语:door 读音:英[dɔː] 美[dɔr]n. 门;家,户;门口;通道n. (Door)人名;英)多尔词组短语at the door 在门边open the door 开门next door n. 隔壁邻居door to door 挨家挨户;门到门front door n. 前门双语例句1. She went directly to 是什么。
“门”的英文读音是什么? -
门的英文单词是door,读音为英[dɔ:(r)] 美[dɔr,dor]。具体释义如下:door 英[dɔ:(r)] 美[dɔr,dor]n.门,户;出入口;一家[户];通道例:They refused to negotiate, thus closing the door on any chance of a settlement.他们拒绝谈判,因此等会说。
1、门的英文单词是door,读音为英d#596r 美d#596r,dor具体释义如下door 英d#596r 美d#596r,dorn门,户出入口一家户通道例They refused to negotiate。2、门的英语door,英d#596#720r,美d#596#720rn门门口途径形容词doorless过去式doored过去分词doored现在分词dooring第三希望你能满意。