



2024-07-23 19:37:01 来源:网络


写出door的同一类单词 -
door是门,同类单词有:desk 桌子table chair window
门的单词是door。door的英式读音是[d??(r)],美式读音是[d??r],复数形式是doors,door只有名词一种词性,意思是:门;家,户;门口;通道。一、door同义词1.gate:门(指栅栏或围墙上的大门)2.portal 大门,正门(指建筑物高大壮观的大门,通常用复数)二、door词语搭配revolving door 旋转希望你能满意。


door的同义词 -
door英[dɔː]n.门;户;门口;出入口;(进入或逃离的)途径,门路;同义词:panel 短语搭配短语』behind closed doors秘密地;私下『短语』by/through the back door偷偷摸摸地;不光明正大地『短语』to close the door on sth将…拒之门外;拒绝接纳『短语』door to door从一处到等会说。
door这个单词怎么读 -
door的音标是英[dɔː]或美[dɔr] ,句中作为名词使用。一、door词汇分析n. 门;家,户;门口;通道二、短语1、Next door [建] 隔壁; 在隔壁; 隔邻的; 邻居2、revolving door 旋转门; 走马灯3、fire door 防烟门; [建] 防火门; 炉门; [动力] 是什么。
door Window chair desk
英语里和door是一类的词有什么? -
door 是名词,是生活常见的事物,你可以写window (窗户)floor (地板) desk(桌子)chair(椅子)等,
名词door:1. a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle 2. the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building; the space that a door can close 同义词:doorway, room access, threshold 3. 等会说。
“大门”用英语怎么说? -
gate 英[geɪt] 美[ɡet]n.门;闸门;登机门;栅栏门;围墙门vt.给…装大门;电子学] 电波传送第三人称单数:gates 复数:gates 现在分词:gating 过去式:gated 过去分词:gated 词汇搭配:go through the gate穿过大门jump over the gate跳越栅门keep a gate关闭门户等会说。
adoor意思是一扇门。例句:Gold is not a living thing,just a door stop throwing off nada,a derivative of our weakening dollar.黄金并不是个活物,它只是弱势美元的衍生结果。The very mystery of him excited her curiosity like a door that had neither lock nor key.就是他的这个秘密后面会介绍。