



2024-06-10 13:45:22 来源:网络


decoration可数吗 -
1.是动词名词是decoration 可以用作复数意思为装饰品2.可数你看那个短语go on a picnic 3.可数4.可数5.不可数6.可数例如to offer greetings to sb.向某人致意7.可数,
一、decoration既是可数名词又是不可数名词。不可数名词:装饰,装潢;可数名词:装饰物,装饰品;可数名词:勋章;奖章。二、例句1、No,it is only for decoration.没有,它只是装饰用的。2、How do you like this decoration?你喜欢这样的装饰吗?3、We put up the decorations and the tree and sta等会说。


装饰的名词可数吗??? -
decorate 是动词。decoration 解释为“装饰品”或者“勋章”时是可数名词,有复数, 解释为“装潢”、“装饰图案”、“装饰风格”时是不可数名词。 decorate:v.装饰;装潢;粉刷;油漆;糊墙纸;点缀;装点。 扩展资料 The cake was decorated to look like a car.这蛋糕装饰得像一辆汽车。The roo还有呢?
festival paper decoration可数吗? -
full of public buildings with little bits of embellishment.佛罗伦萨充满了带有一点点装饰的公共建筑。近义词:embroidery 刺绣品。decoration 装饰。ornamentation 装饰。adornment 装饰。beautification 美化。trimming 整顿。exaggeration 夸张。frill 衣饰上的绉边。elaboration 详细阐述。aggrandizement 增大。
flower可数吗 -
Flower Decoration 装饰花艺; 粉饰花艺; 鲜花装饰; [园艺] 花卉装饰Inula Flower 旋覆花; 旋覆花粉末; 旋复花对照药材flower双语例句love you every everywhere the flower.我爱你每一寸土地上的花朵。I have receive your flower , but I can not accept it.我收到了你的花,但是我不说完了。
3.Tower to heaven, earth, water, three different environments on behalf of animals and plants as decoration, creative design, fun.塔内以天、地、水三种不同的环境中的代表动、植物作为装饰,匠心独具,妙趣横生。2)environment 例句:1.Pupils in our schools are taught in a safe, secure 好了吧!
difference的用法 -
3.用作定语~+ n.He wears a different tie every day.他每天换一条领带。Their three children all go to different schools.他们三个孩子分别上不同的学校。The balls of different colours are mainly calculated for decoration.这些不同颜色的彩球主要作装饰用。4.用作表语(1)S+be+~Thin后面会介绍。
回答:原句语法错误较多。①作为there be句型,句子中已经有形式主语there,因此不能再有并列的人名主语Mary。②表语名词dress是单数形式,而作为限定词的any是some的对应词,修饰的应该是可数名词复数。这里是自相矛盾。在单复数方面应该改为一致。③ 即使短语中的her很显然指的是Mary's。改错: 好了吧!