



2024-07-17 05:49:59 来源:网络


英文书信汉译英,急! -
Dear sister,我非常高兴写信给你。我们已经有很长时间没有见面了。你现在好吗?I'm very glad to write to you. We haven't met each other for a long time. How are you getting on?我去年考上了大学,现在在大连学习日语。之所以选择日语为我的专业,我想也是有你对我的影响吧。我想毕业以是什么。
Dear sister:Hello!Sister, you leave home to study outside must be very hard, learn the rest of the time must be very miss me, I also miss you very much, I hope you come back soon.亲爱的姐姐:你好!姐姐,你离开家到外面学习一定很努力,剩下的学习时间一定很想念我,我也很想希望你能满意。


英语翻译,一封家书,高手进,特急跪求高手!!! -
Dear sister, 亲爱的妹妹Everything is fine with me here. Maybe it's not possible to post you anything before the new year, so I'm writing to you now.我这边一切都好,也许没办法在新年前给你寄点什么过去,所以就给你写信了。I went for travelling with some friends before the ne等会说。
生日祝福语 英语(给10岁妹妹的)(最好有翻译)(里面一定要有dream或fut...
Dear sister, happy birthday to you, I believe you will be happy in the future!翻译亲爱的妹妹,祝你生日快乐,我相信你会幸福快乐的在将来!!
中文:亲爱的姐姐你从美国给我带回来的项链我很喜欢,很高兴你在美国也没有忘记我,在此,借这封信感谢你。× × × 英文:Dear sister You come from the United States to bring me back the necklace I like, very glad you in the United States did not forget me, in this letter 还有呢?
祝你生日快乐亲爱的姐妹用英文怎么翻译 -
展开全部Dear sister , happy birthy to you . 8 已赞过已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论收起其他类似问题2010-10-15 亲爱的祝你生日快乐。用英文怎么说。急!!! 209 2017-12-16 “祝你生日快乐,亲爱的”用英文怎么写? 2015-12-19 我最亲爱的姐姐祝你生日快乐用韩文,英文,日文,法文怎么等我继续说。
谢谢我亲爱的妹妹的翻译是:Thank you, my dear sister
姐,我想你了,用英文怎么翻译 -
Dear sister, I miss you
My dear sister,我在国外一切都挺好的,年前没有办法给你寄东西了,所以现在才给你寄.I am fine right here. I wasn’t able to send you things you want until now.年前和朋友出去玩照了几张照片,还有我的一个朋友3月要回国,我让她给你带回去一部笔记本电脑,I took a few pictures 后面会介绍。