



2024-06-27 10:42:30 来源:网络


请问there was a problem further along a production line怎么翻译
另,indicriminate是因缺乏标准和特定的要素“随便做出抉择的”(“done at random or without careful judgment)整句话翻译:他说用改变基因永久改变人类的行为的技术太过复杂,而且经历过这个手术的人身体机能不能正常运作,将变成活生生的Huxley's Epsilons那种临床表现。“如果生产线其他地方出现了问题,..
34.concentrated ['k.nsentreitid] adj.全神贯注的, 浓缩的, 密集的35.indis criminately adv. 不加区别地; 随意地; 不加选择地; 任意地36.plausible [.pl.:z.b.l]a.似乎正确的,貌似可信的37.vulnerable [.v.ln.r.b.l]a.易受伤的,脆弱的;易受攻击的38.nutrition [nju:.tri..n]n.营养还有呢?


帮我翻译一下,高手们,谢谢啦 -
of what can only be described as clutter是一个后置定语,修饰collectors,意为”那些只能被称为杂货的东西“,what从句是of后面的宾语从句,what 是关系代词性连接词,等于something that,所以collectors of what 还有呢? = collectors of something that ..并不是专门收藏的意思,英语翻译很多都是意译还有呢?
帮忙翻译一下!急~~~ -
Hi,I'm a computer.The whole family of my little host always make friends with me.I am a perfect assistant of the family because I can report them the updated news with my wide knowledge.On one day's evening,it was already seven o'clock.My little host had a question still希望你能满意。
而且总算能给受害者的家人一个完整的交代了.I will say what she does may truly set us free, because at least Sister Helen could try to make the criminal repent, which will console the victim's families. At the end of the film, the suspect finally confessed. I think the 后面会介绍。