



2024-07-18 03:39:11 来源:网络


cradles怎么读 -
cradles的英语读音是[ˈkreɪdlz]。一、释义1、名词:摇篮;策源地;发源地;发祥地;(高楼外供清洁窗户等用的)吊架,托架,吊篮。2、动词:轻轻抱着。二、例句1、She rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle.她摇动摇篮哄婴儿入睡。2、China is one of the cradles of human k到此结束了?。
cradle 读法:英[ˈkreɪdl] 美[ˈkredl]释义:n.摇篮;发源地,发祥地;吊架,支架;婴儿时期vt.将…置于摇篮中;轻轻地抱或捧;抚养;把…搁在支架上复数:cradles 过去式:cradled 过去分词:cradled 现在分词:cradling 第三人称单数:cradles 例句:1、Mali i还有呢?


Cradle这个英语怎么读 -
[其他] 第三人称单数:cradles 复数:cradles 现在分词:cradling过去式:cradled 过去分词:cradled
四、cradle的第三人称单数:cradles n. 发源地;吊架;摇篮( cradle的名词复数);婴儿时期;The paradox of earth is that it cradles life and then entombs life.大地的奥妙在于它既生长万物,亦埋葬万物。五、cradle的现在分词:cradling 英['kreɪdlɪŋ] 美['kre&好了吧!
吊带用英语怎么说 -
读音:英['gæləs] 美['gæləs]词性:n.释义:(裤子的)背带,吊带例句:1.Results The posture of the extremities, quality and width of gallus and fixation of gallus during the treatment of HIFU was closely related with the postural injury.结果治疗到此结束了?。
小鸡英语是chick,音标是英[tʃɪk],美[tʃɪk]。chick造句:1、How many chick flicks come with the line :"Love strangles.Hate cradles you"?有多少女性电影能说出(米歇尔-菲佛说的)“爱情扼杀你,憎恨养育你”这样的台词呢?2、Buy:Dried pulses,Seeds,Vegetables, 到此结束了?。
英语this is a life-saver怎么翻译? -
词语分析:音标:英[laɪf] 美[laɪf]n. 寿命;生活,生存短语:service life 使用寿命;使用期限;耐用年限daily life 日常生活例句:I made for the life raft and hung on for dear life.我向救生筏游去,死命紧紧抓住它。The paradox of earth is that it cradles 后面会介绍。
In one of those cradles the unconscious Farragut of the future is at this moment teething -- think of it! -- and putting in a world of dead earnest, unarticulated, but perfectly justifiable profanity over it, too. In another the future renowned astronomer is blinking at the shining Milky 说完了。
cradles怎么读 -
cradles的英语读音是[ˈkreɪdlz]。一、释义1、名词:摇篮;策源地;发源地;发祥地;(高楼外供清洁窗户等用的)吊架,托架,吊篮。2、动词:轻轻抱着。二、例句1、She rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle.她摇动摇篮哄婴儿入睡。2、China is one of the cradles of human 到此结束了?。
英[?kre?dl] 美[?kre?dl]n. 摇篮; 策源地; 发源地; 发祥地; (高楼外供清洁窗户等用的)吊架,托架,吊篮; (电话机的)听筒架,叉托支架;vt. 轻轻抱着;[例句]She rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle.她摇动摇篮哄婴儿入睡。其他] 第三人称单数:cradles 复数:cradles 现在分词:..