



2024-07-20 21:31:32 来源:网络


coordination在语法中是什么意思 -
并列(COORDINATION)与从属(suBoRDINATION)是两种重要的表态手段,它们能够把两个或两个以上的信息连接起来表示出它们之间的相互关系,是同等的重要.还是有主次之分。比如这里有两句活: Tom was doing his homework. Jim was sleeping. 如果说话人认为这两句话所传递的信息在重要性上差不多是相等的,就可以把它们一到此结束了?。


take charge of和take the charge of 有什么区别 -
take charge of和take the charge of的区别我懂,"take charge of" 表示以自己的意愿、责任或控制来处理某个事物。quot;take the charge of" 强调被授权担任领导或负责人,需要履行更为正式或机构化的职责。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~ 接下来让我们看下take charge of和take t等会说。
「标准英语用法」StandardEnglishConventions)涉及到的考点有:SentenceStructure 句子边界Sentenceboundaries(包括句子残破和run-onsentence)从属和并列干系Subordinationandcoordination 平行布局Parallelstructure 修饰语位置Modifierplacement(包括修饰语错位和悬垂修饰语)动词时态、语态、语气不同等Inappropriateshiftsi等我继续说。
翻译问题 -
呃,这里面的语法有点儿乱.网络翻译的??for the reliability and safety of the power system 放后面.to study the overvoltage and insulation coordination of EHV substation in the high-altitude area 这个目的状语关系更近,要放前面.It is very important to study the overvoltage and 好了吧!
So, the combination of translation exercises function in teaching links can be mutual coordination and mutual using radiation, Peter?Newmark 曾论道, 作为学习外语的一门技巧, 翻译属于利弊兼有的工具, 它的特殊作用就是展示学习者外语知识水平, 它既展示其驾驭外语的能力, 又训练其智力以开发其希望你能满意。
英语好的请进 -
基础设施是至关重要的经济协调活动。……此外,一个特殊的利益问题的关注与青睐地区政治影响力,最终为收件人的改进infrastructure-which可能不是一个有效的解决方案。Infrustructure is critical to economic coordination and activity. 等会说。 等会说。 In addition, a special interest problem concerns favored等会说。
The local and central authorities, not only chinese but also foreign ones, in coordination, are obliged to do something useful, only through these action can have a glorious future. 英语话题作文篇2 英语六级作文题目: Limiting the Buying of Cars or Not? 1. 对于北京限制购车,有人赞成2. 后面会介绍。
哪位英语高手,,帮忙翻译下啊~~~ -
as well as gestures, eye contact and behavior, are carved very fine detail, it exact. These typical portrayal of character in close coordination with the title and purpose of painting,Unity in Diversity and composition of the effects of complement each other, to make this painting t等我继续说。
such as weddings, will wear more and decorative material is superior hat. When traveling, you can wear casual, colorful sun cap, sports cap, hat. The workplace can wear coordination, and clothing color shape concise Beret or small brim hat.The British also think, long face should等我继续说。