



2024-07-20 15:36:41 来源:网络


confident是形容词还是名词? -
"Confident" 是一个形容词,用来描述一个人对自己的能力、态度或外表感到有信心或自信。它表示对自己的能力或成功有信心的状态。例如:quot;She is a confident speaker."(她是一个自信的演讲者。)quot;He feels confident about his chances of winning."(他对自己获胜的机会感到有信心。)..
Synonym: SELF-ASSURED, CONFIDENT 同义词:self-assured, confident a self-confident child 一个有自信的孩子◆ a self-confident manner 一个自信的态度2.none (名词)eg:He constantly tried to undermine her self-confidence. 他不断地试图破坏她的自信心◆ He has no self-confidence.他没说完了。


self-confident和confident的区别 -
self-confident和confident的区别是:意思不完全相同、使用范围不同一、意思不完全相同1、self-confident的意思是:自信的例句:She'd blossomed into a self-confident young woman.她已长大成为了一个自信的年轻女性。2、confident的意思是:自信的;有自信心的;肯定的;确信的;有把握的例句:It说完了。
I want confident and brave struggle是什么意思 -
I want confident and brave struggle.这句话的意思是:我要坚强勇敢地去奋斗。confident表示勇敢地、坚决的、坚强的。例如:I am confident that everything will come out right in time. 我坚信一切终究都会好起来。brave表示勇敢的。在这句话中,confident和brave是同义词,两者的意思几乎相同。用两好了吧!
believe“信任;相信”的同义词组1.take stock in 例句Do you take any stock in the gossip about Joan?你相信人们对琼的流言蜚语吗?2.believe in 例句I believe in the maxim "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".我相信这样一条箴言:“不破不修”。3.have faith in 例句We 后面会介绍。
believe同义词 -
1.认为。think, consider, conceive,regard,suppose,guess,assume 2.相信。trust,credit,have faith,accept,hold,conclude,be certain,be confident,deem,affirm,maintain,have no doubt
sure 读音:英[ʃʊə(r)] 美[ʃʊr]adj. 确信的,确实的;有把握的;无疑的;一定的adv.当然;确实地;无疑地比较级:surer 最高级:surest 例句:1、We found the English treacle pudding too good to resist. Sure enough, it was delicious 我们觉得说完了。
assert和affirm的区别 -
affirm :“断言,肯定”,指根据事实坚信不移地宣称,而且有可靠证据,任何时候都不动摇。例句:1.Justice will assert itself,正义必将伸张。2.He asserted his innocence of the crime.他坚称自己无罪。3. I affirm I can like it,我肯定我会喜欢它。4.The ministers issued an affirmation of 等我继续说。
confident.同义词: quiet restfully softly 例句:her hands rested quietly in her lap; the rock star was quietly led out the back door; (`quiet' is a nonstandard variant for `quietly' as in sit here as quiet as you can).她的手静静地放在两个膝盖中间;摇滚明星被人悄悄地从好了吧!