



2024-07-18 17:25:47 来源:网络


精干的的英语翻译 精干的用英语怎么说 -
competent 英[ˈkɒmpɪtənt] 美[ˈkɑ:mpɪtənt]adj. 有能力的,能胜任的; 能干的,称职的; 足够的,充足的; 有决定权的;[例句]He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.他是一位敬业、优秀而且非常称职的公务员。
competent 除了“有能力的,胜任的……”的意思外还有“主管的”的意思,当然,如果你输入中文主管的,competent,这个词是有的,翻译不只是直译,因为英汉中存在的不可译性,必要时需要意译,having enough skill or knowledge to do sth well or to the necessary standard,有这种能力的人在汉语中表好了吧!


惯着我的人才有资格管我翻译成英文 -
qualified 英['kwɒlɪfaɪd]   美['kwɑːlɪfaɪd]adj. 有资格的;有保留的;有限制的;能胜任的He's not qualified for this job.他不能胜任这项工作。qualified for 适于作(有担任说完了。fully qualified domain name 完全合格域名说完了。说完了。
adj. 有效率的;有能力的;生效的读法:英[ɪˈfɪʃnt] 美[ɪˈfɪʃnt]短语1、efficient estimator [数] 有效估计量; 有效点估计式; 有效估计量统计; 有效率的2、efficient portfolio 高效率投资; 有效投资组合; 有效证券组合投资还有呢?
麻烦翻译几个英文单词哈...急...谢谢~ -
专业的professional 幸福的happy beatific blest fortunate 轻松自然休闲的Leisure 有学问的learned lettered 时尚的faddish 天真的naive innocent artless childish inartificial 有能力的capable competent 俏皮的nifty rakish smug 自信的confident self-assurance 等我继续说。
标准翻译如下:1. In terms of capability, I am certain that he is competent/qualified for this job. 胜任-competent,qualified 2. I asked her many times, but she refused to answer my question.3. In the West, people often order goods through mail, which can save a lot of 有帮助请点赞。
用英语来翻译各种美好品质。如:自信的,善良的,聪明的。。。 -
competent 能胜任的confident 有信心的conscientious 认真的,自觉的considerate 体贴的constructive 建设性的contemplative 好沉思的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的dedicated 有奉献精神的devoted 有献身精神的dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的有帮助请点赞。
sisma 是地震的意思,Provincia 是省的意思, competente 是有资格的,管理 的意思,合起来就是 省级管理的地震,
帮忙翻译一下 大致翻译一下就可以了 -
and not to the specific address of the contestant. Postal service tracking numbers will be forwarded to contestants for online verification, however the competition provides no guarantees as to delivery to the contestant due to procedures and restrictions within certain countries. 9. During等会说。
If such attempt fails the ordinary courts of City, Switzerland will be exclusively competent.意思是:如果这样的企图失败了普通的城市法院,瑞士将是完全胜任的。