



2024-07-20 05:25:30 来源:网络


clearly什么意思中文翻译 -
clearly意思:adv、清楚地;显然地。1、读音英['klɪəli] ,美['klɪrli]2、详尽释义(adv、(副词)清楚地,清晰地;显然地,明白地,易懂地,明显地;明亮地,明净地;明确地,无疑地;条理清楚地,一目了然地,明朗地;十分,完全,透彻;干脆利落地。
你好!clearly,most of the students there are full-time clearly,most of the students there are full-time workers who would not otherwise have been able to embarked on sustained further study 很明显,大多数学生都是全日制学生,大部分学生都是全职工作者,否则他们就不能继续学习了。


optimism;sincere;clearly;这些个英语怎么读? -
clearly;谐音:可累雷英[ˈklɪəli]adv.清楚地;清晰地;明白地;易懂地;明显地;显然地;例句:Please speak clearly after the tone.请听到信号后清楚地讲话。
clearly 清楚地(adverb 助动词/ 副词)例: It is clearly visible to our eyes. 我们可以用眼睛清楚地看见它。I can see it clearly now. 我现在可以看得很清楚了。3.什么时候用doesn't rain It doesn't rain in the Shahara Desert. 在撒哈拉大沙漠是不会下雨的。It doesn't rain much好了吧!
Look,Mr Wu wear new_(sth to help sb see clearly). -
Look, Mr Wu wears new clothes to help us see clearly. 翻译:看,吴先生穿新衣服帮助我们看清楚。clear 英[klɪə(r)] 美[klɪr]adj. 清楚的;明确的;明白(某事)的;清晰的;清澈的;晴朗的;头脑清醒的v. 清空;清除;澄清;放晴;使明确adv. 清楚地;彻底地有帮助请点赞。
clearly是副词,一般放在句末或句尾,应为it can be seen clearly
问一句英语翻译及其语法 -
Noise quite clearly affects the health of modern man.主语:Noise (噪音)状语(1):quite (相当地)状语(2):clearly (清楚地/明显地/显然地)谓语:affects(影响着)宾语:the health(健康)宾语后置定语:of modern man (现代人的)It is a health threat.主语:It (它)(指代前面的等我继续说。
rasay太太非常爱她的猫所以喂养了它那么久clearly loved不是固定搭配,loved是谓语,是过去时;而clearly adv. 明确地; 明亮地; 明净地; 显然地;在这里可以意译,翻译成非常地、显然地,都可以满意请采纳,
清楚的用英语怎么说? -
问题五:我们应该把话说清楚用英语怎么翻译? We should put the words clearly 问题六:理顺理清楚用英语怎么表达? Rationalizing clear straighten等等,根据不同的语境用不同的词,没有正确,只有更合适。如以下例句:We cannot speed up the reform without rationalizing prices.理顺物价,改革后面会介绍。
Speak more clearly,please.I didn't catch you.请说清楚些,我刚刚没听清楚。