



2024-07-18 09:32:25 来源:网络


电影院用英语 -
电影院英语造句如下:1.I’m going to the cinema tonight to watch the latest blockbuster. (我今晚要去电影院看最新的大片。2.The cinema was packed with people eager to see the new release. (电影院里挤满了急切想看新片的人。3.We got to the cinema early to get good seats. (希望你能满意。
1、home cinema:家庭影院。2、cinema organ:电影院管风琴。单词造句:1、Two historical swashbucklers are due to fill cinema screens this year.今年将有两部描述传说中冒险家经历的武打影片上映。2、To beguile some of the time they went to the cinema.为了消磨时间,他们去看电影。3、we wen说完了。


用英文电影院造句 怎么造 -
There is a cinema near my home.我家附近有一家电影院。
cinema造句1、Going to the cinema is always a treat for me; I love watching movies on the big screen.2、Let's go to the cinema tonight to catch the latest blockbuster that everyone's been talking about.3、The cinema was packed with excited moviegoers eagerly awaiting the prem好了吧!
用科学,博物馆,书店,电影院,邮局的英文造句,速度 -
They streamed out of the cinema.他们涌出电影院。care for the cinema 喜欢电影go to the cinema 去看电影词汇用法:cinema的意思是“电影院”,是可数名词。cinema也可指“电影业,电影艺术; 电影放映”,用作单数,常与定冠词the连用。the cinema也可统指“电影”,但在美式英语中更常用movie(s)有帮助请点赞。
如何用英语cinema和have造句八年级上册 -
I have to go to cinema now .翻译:我现在不得不去电影院。
I went to the cinema with jack on Sunday
用以下的的单词造句: -
1.I went to the cinema to see a film last night.昨晚我去电影院看电影了2.My parents bought me a computer for my birthday.我的父母为我买了一台电脑作为生日礼物3.We will go skating with them if we have time.如果我们有空,我们要和他们去滑冰4.She wrote a letter to her 有帮助请点赞。
There is a post offuce,it is between cinema and bookstore.