



2024-07-21 07:37:50 来源:网络


certainly翻译成中文 -
certainly:当然;英[ˈsɜːtnli]美[ˈsɜːrtnli]adv.当然;肯定;无疑;确定;行;I can certainly feel the effects of too many late nights. 我当然能感受到熬夜太多产生的影响。Beating the world champions is certainly a big ask for the team. 这个队还有呢?
4、确定It certainly is a big difference from the time I went to school here.它确定地是一种大的不同从当我去上学这里的时候。


certainly的中文意思 -
certainly [5sE:tEnli]adv.的确, (口语)当然, 行certainly cer.tain.ly AHD:[sûr“tn-l¶]D.J.[6sT8tnli8]K.K.[6sPt2li]adv.(副词)Undoubtedly; definitely:毫无疑问地;确定地:This is certainly not my writing.这肯定不是我写的字By all means; of course:无论如说完了。
certainly 英[ˈsɜ:tnli] 美[ˈsɜ:rtnli]adv. 肯定; 当然; 无疑; 确定;[例句]It is certainly better than that.这当然是比那更好。
certainly怎么读 -
certainly 英['sɜːt(ə)nlɪ; -tɪn-] 美['sɝtnli]adv. 当然;行(用于回答);必定短语Sure Certainly 当然可以of certainly 肯定; 的肯定; 定的Certainly others 当然其他人; 的确有一些; 当然其他有帮助请点赞。
certainly的发音:英音[ 'sə:tənli ] ;美音[ 'sə:tənli ]certainly英语翻译成中文:ad.1.无疑地;确定地;肯定地2.当然,行同义词:for certain,for sure,sure,sure as shooting,sure enough,surely。单词分析:这些副词或词组均有“肯定地,当然”之等会说。
certainly怎么读 -
certainly [ˈsə:tnli]adv. 无疑地,确定地;当然地;必定;准[例句]I certainly wondered what my parents would do.我当然好奇我父母会做什么。
certainly: adv. 当然;必定;行音标:'sə:tənli]拼音:ser ten li ]连在一起读中文:色尔腾立,
certainly certain certainty 3个单词的意思都差不多..用法区别在哪呢...
certainly:当然地"They certainly have", said the Master.“他们确实做到了”,大师说。I have certainly enjoyed this afternoon.我的确非常喜欢这个下午。And they certainly alter individual reactions to medicines.当然它们也改变个体对药物的反应。certain ['sə:tən]adj.1. 确凿的,..
如果是打电话,可以很口语的说:oh yea,I speak chinese 因为of course 有一种理所当然的意味。因为对方不能看见你,或者对方不认识你,所以人家不会理所当然知道你讲中文。用of course 有点显得不那么礼貌。如果是当面对话,别人问你,do you speak chinese?你的回答是yes,i speak chinese等我继续说。