



2024-07-19 02:22:40 来源:网络


英语里面个十百千万都怎么写,还有元角分?谢谢 -
美圆(dollar)美分(cent) 美元就有复数了。
expensive = dear 相反的是:cheap 便宜的祝你学习进步,更上一层楼,快乐每一天!*^__^*) 近义词expensive 反义词cheap 同义词:dear,


expensive的反义词同义词 -
cheap 是便宜的。expensive是昂贵的。所以!是~~反义词。costly是昂贵。所以,是,同义词。
同义词:adj.便宜的cheap, ten-cent 反义词:adj.贵重的expensive
zoom是什么意思 -
zoom 释义:v. 急速上升;嗡嗡作响;(镜头)拉近(拉远)n. 急速上升;嗡嗡声;摄影)变焦读音:英[zuːm] 美[zuːm]单词变形:1、过去式: zoomed 2、过去分词: zoomed 3、现在分词: zooming 4、第三人称单数: zooms 双语例句:The airplane' s zoom carried it above the希望你能满意。
of the gypsies, spoken in many dialects.a gypsy.adjective of or relating to gypsies or their language.语源– ORIGIN early 19th cent.: from Romany Romani, feminine and plural of the adjective Romano, from Rom '‘man, husband’#39; (see Rom).同义词:GypsyGipsyRommanyBohemian 到此结束了?。
英语单词,近义词 -
delightful令人高兴的angry:wrathful愤怒的,furious狂怒的[注:此词还有热烈兴奋的;喧闹的的意思],resentful充满忿恨的;厌恶的sympathetic:acceptable合意的,endorse赞同,harmonious和谐的,desirable令人满意的generous:bountiful慷慨的munificent irrelevant:unimportant不重要的glorious:splendid极好的说完了。
请教一些英语单词的意思 -
five-and-ten-cent store, ten-cent store [美]小杂货店Who knows what the future has in store for us?谁知道我们将来会怎么样?adj.1. 贮藏[存]的, 储备的2. [美]现成的3. 畜牧的, 畜产的store barge 补给船store clothes 现成服装a store farm 畜牧农场vt.1. 贮藏, 贮存希望你能满意。
percent of the atmosphere by volume; the most abundant element in the earth's crust 同义词:oxygen, atomic number 8 2. the 15th letter of the Roman alphabet 同义词:letter o 3. the blood group whose red cells carry neither the A nor B antigens 同义词:type O, group O 等会说。