



2024-07-21 17:21:42 来源:网络


bruise的翻译是:什么意思 -
bruise 英[bru:z] 美[bruz]vt. 使挫伤;vi. 碰伤;擦伤;n. 瘀伤,青肿;擦伤,伤痕;(感情受到的)伤害;复数:bruises 过去式:bruised 过去分词:bruised 现在分词:bruising 第三人称单数:bruises
翻译结果:Mould of bruising bruising 英['bruːzɪŋ]美['bruzɪŋ]n. 挫伤adj. 殊死的;十分激烈的v. 擦伤(bruise的ing形式)Bruising 瘀伤,令人不快的,碰压伤of Bruising 重伤之,剧烈之skin bruising 皮肤挫伤到此结束了?。


模具中的碰伤用英语怎么说 -
碰伤[pèng shāng]基本翻译be injured or damaged after being hit by sth.网络释义碰伤:bumping|handling mark|traffic mark 碰压伤:bruising 碰(伤)、撞(伤)bump v.
一开始我就已经迷失了自我Seeing is deceiving dreaming is believing 不相信自己看见的宁愿相信幻想It's okay not to be okay 小挫折没什么大不了Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart 有时会很难随着自己的心走But tears don't mean you're losing everybody's bruising眼泪也不代表是什么。
“严重”的英语怎么说? -
严重的英文翻译是serious,serious的基本意思“严重的,非同小可”,指问题或局势很危急或不易处理,令人担忧和恐惧,须认真对待,引申可表示“重要的”,指某事件需要人们认真思考或需要精湛技艺。serious 英[ˈsɪəriəs] 美[ˈsɪriəs]adj.严肃的,严重的是什么。
1 no scratch, bruising, ramps, blisters, grinding lines.Copper layer 2 oxidation, smooth surface, no corrosion, fingerprints, twill, horizontal grain, no repairing scars, dent.End requirements 1 the arc smooth transition, light, natural.2 end level, coating, surface adhesion phenomenon说完了。
英语求翻译~急!!! -
bones的中文翻译 -
体操运动员的灵活性归功于她强壮的骨骼和肌肉。5.The chef used beef bones to make a rich and flavorful broth for the soup.(厨师用牛骨制作了浓郁美味的汤底。6.The hiker stumbled and fell, scraping his knee and bruising his bones.(徒步旅行者绊倒了,擦伤了膝盖,骨头也受了伤。
slick stairs when I was doing the house cleaning,because I carelessly spilt lots of water on the staircase and I couldn't keep my legs.Then I immediately went to hospital.The doctor said that I got my ankles and knees bruised ,nothing else serious.手工翻译。多多指教!_^ 后面会介绍。