



2024-07-04 05:41:50 来源:网络


be-bombarded-with是什么意思 -
这个词应属于英语中的合成构词法,所以我觉得可以这样分析它的意思:首先要看合成词中的核心bombard,作动词是及物动词,意为“炮击,轰炸; <核>以高能量粒子或放射能冲击”;再看其词组搭配bombard A with B,意为“用B轰击A,使B充满A,使A受到B的轰击(可引申为狂轰滥炸式的或者连珠炮式后面会介绍。
因为被轰炸了几次,这座城市已经成了废墟。having been bombed several times,the city turned into a ruin 这是having been done 的分词完成被动式,表先后关系在被问及她母亲的藏身地的时候,她沉默不语。she keeps silent,when asked where her mother hid (这个无法用现在分词,只能用过去分词等会说。


翻译英语 大家连珠炮似地向他提出问题。(bombard with) -
bombard with在这里就”有连珠炮似地“意思由于已经用了一个动词也就是你提供的所以后面有with连接一系列的问题就OK了不用很复杂,
翻译成英文是He talks like a machine gun下图是翻译截图,
综合教程every day's a celebration课文翻译 -
It never seems easy to be a positive person while bombarded with bad news every day, yet theauthor finds a special way to do this -- sharing good news every day with his students. And itworks well!我们每天被大量的坏消息炮轰,很难成为一个积极向上的人,但是文章的作者找到了一个特殊的方式—..
After several weeks of testing, Steve Rogers was injected with a super soldier serum and was bombarded with ultraviolet irradiation, and finally has the most perfect body of human beings. Then he received a physical and tactical training. After three months, he has been as "Captain America" 到此结束了?。
war started from 1937,and ended(过去式要加ed)in 1945,The USA bombarded Japan by an atom bomb speed up Japanese surrender.10.这种化学水可能会对有些人过敏,所以你最好洗下手This chemical water could cause allergy to some people,so you'd beter wash your hand first等我继续说。.
n. 战船,军] 军舰[ 复数warships ]近义词:n. 战船,军]军舰warcraft , naval ship 双语例句:The Navy is to launch a new warship today.海军今天有一艘新军舰要下水。Aircraft bombarded the enemy warship.飞机轰炸了敌军舰。The children toured the warship.孩子们参观了那艘军舰。
关于如何节约食物的英语句子及翻译 -
We don’t waste food on purpose, but somehow between the demands of our busy lives and being bombarded with food on sale we’ve gotten in the habit of wasting a colossal amount of food. Here are five simple hacks to help you save food in your home.1) Plan for perishable到此结束了?。
He bombarded her with questions.他连珠炮似的向她提出了许多问题。说及以“变通”的方法来维系原文的具体性及形象性,英谚汉译为我们提供了不少值得借鉴的有益经验,如:He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick.欲加其罪,何患无辞。Two dogs fight for a bone,and希望你能满意。