



2024-07-19 00:16:17 来源:网络


became的音标与例句 -
For Exemple:He became a actor when he was ten.


become的音标怎么写 -
例句:This place has become a famous summer resort.这个地方已成为一个避暑胜地。
1、音标:英[bɪˈkʌm] 美[bɪˈkʌm]2、释义:v. 变得,变成,成为;适合,使显得漂亮3、词性变化:第三人称单数becomes 现在分词becoming 过去式became 过去分词become 4、词组短语:become one 成为一体,结合become a member 成为一名成员/会员等我继续说。
Was,were,bore,beat,became,began的中文意思和音标是什么 -
成员的; 摇滚音乐的; [口语](体力或情绪上)疲劳不堪的;became[英][bɪ'keɪm][美][bɪˈkem]v.变为,成为(become的过去式)began[英][bɪ'ɡæn][美][bɪˈɡæn]v.开始( begin的过去式); 着手; 创始; 创办;
一、音标:英[klaɪm]   美[klaɪm]二、意思:v. 攀登;爬;上升n. 爬;攀爬处三、词形变化:形容词: climbable 过去式: climbed 过去分词: climbed 现在分词: climbing 第三人称单数: climbs 四、词语搭配:climb across the roof 爬过屋顶climb at the rate of好了吧! 好了吧!
Industry造句? -
音标:英式读音:ˈɪndəstri] 美式读音[ˈɪndəstri]复数:industries 二、industry 的语法(1)industry的基本意思是“工业”,用作工业的总称时,是不可数名词,不加冠词,指“具体的某类工业或行业”时是可数名词,通常加冠词。(2)industry也可作“..
一、音标:英[sə'lebrəti]   美[sə'lebrəti]二、意思:n. 名人;名誉;社会名流;尽人皆知的人;大人物;达官贵人;名望三、短语搭配:celebrity worship syndrome 名人崇拜症候群pro-celebrity 名人和职业选手联队的local celebrity.当地知名人士celebrity 有帮助请点赞。
lively的比较级是什么? -
六、例句1、Her personality became livelier after she started taking dance cles.她开始学跳舞后,性格变得更加生动。2、When night falls, the street is even livelier.夜幕降临,街上更热闹了。3、The party was much livelier than I expected, with lots of music and dancing.聚会比我预期的等会说。
5、Even after all these years in my line of work, I still felt humility from being so close to death.即使在这个行当里干了这么多年,每次与死亡如此近距离的接触,我还是会感到诚惶诚恐。6、From that time on, the quiet boy became even quieter and more absorbed in his own music 等我继续说。