



2024-07-19 20:25:05 来源:网络


attain造句 -
attain造句1、This is an ambitious target, but we canattain it with hard work.(这个目标是积极的,经过努力是可以实现的。2、What is the one thing a person needs toattain their goals and dreams?(一个人为实现目标和梦想需要什么样的东西呢?3、Although having questioned the suspect还有呢?
被寄予厚望的学生为自己设定更高的目标,并知道如何努力实现这些目标。Thus they are not able to "experience life" and so they attain a high life span in captivity.因此,他们不能“体验生活”,从而在囚禁中获得了较长的寿命。Many of these people acquired far more experience of exploration希望你能满意。


attain的同义词 -
attain造句1、This is an ambitious target, but we can attain it with hard work.这个目标是积极的,经过努力是可以实现的。2、The tree in front of my house have attain to a great height.我房子前的那棵树已长得很高了。3、The cheetah can attain speeds of up to 97 kph.猎豹的奔等会说。
important造句 -
nice. 地位显要是很不错,但更重要的是做个好人。important people, people who cant forget, people who dont want to forget.伟大的人永垂不朽The important thing in life is to have a great aim,and the determination to attain it。人生重要的在于确立一个伟大的目标,并有决心使其实现。
shí xiàn 外文名realize;achieve;attain;同义词达成告竣告终竣工杀青反义词破灭落空空想引证解释1. 谓成为事实。老舍《骆驼祥子》十六:“假若这个主意能实现,他算是又拉上了自己的车。”杨沫《青春之歌》第一部第六章:“由于自己养活自己的理想实现了,她的心情逐渐安静下来。”有帮助请点赞。
内心平静用英语怎么说? -
造句:1 Be gentle with this process; accepting people for who they are will help you attain lasting inner peace.慢慢地进行这个过程;接受人们真正的自我会帮助你的内心获得持续的平和。2 Patience adds a dimension of ease and acceptance to your life. It's essential for inner peace.拥有等我继续说。
When a goal becomes a necessity, one must do whatever one can to attain it, regardless of the ease or likelihood of goal attainment.当一个目标变成一种必然,必须尽一切人能实现它,不管是易用性还是目标实现的可能性。
有没有把英语单词编成一段话英语二 -
高温无处去entertain(娱乐),突然看到了fountain(喷泉),灵感马上就obtain(获得),玩水冲动难refrain(克制),虽然衣服被stain(弄脏),好心情却attain(获得),饿了回家补充protein(蛋白质)。40. 贪官和珅贪官和珅corrupt(腐败的),国家被他disrupt(扰乱),民众愤怒erupt(爆发),嘉庆让他bankrupt(破产)。41. 秋菊打官司村长是什么。
We must keep a balance of payments.我们必须保持收支平衡。You have a balance of NT$10,000 in your account.你的户头里面有新台币1万元。People all need a balance of diet to keep health.所有人都需要饮食平衡来保持身体健康。Logistics service is a balance of service priority and cost希望你能满意。.