



2024-07-17 08:40:22 来源:网络


anxious 意思 用法 -
1.焦虑的,挂念的[(+about/at/for)]I'm anxious about her safety.我对她的安全担心。2.令人焦虑的The week of the flood was an anxious time for all of us.闹水灾的那一星期是使我们大家都焦虑不安的日子。3.渴望的[F][(+for)][+to-v][+that]We're anxious for your safe return有帮助请点赞。
anxious的用法及搭配如下:1、表示“担心的”“焦虑的”,其后通常接介词about,for。如:We're anxious about[for]her health.我们担心她的健康。He was anxious for his family,who were traveling abroad.他担心在国外旅行的家人。2、表示“热切的”“渴望的”,其后通常接介词for。如:Lily has be是什么。


anxious的用法 -
1. ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词渴望的;急切的If you are anxious to do something or anxious that something should happen, you very much want to do it or very much want it to happen. 【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ Both the Americans and the Russians are 说完了。
(1) 为某事或某人担心或担扰。如如:He was anxious for family. 他为他的家人担心。We are anxious about his health. 我们都为他的身体担心。注:此用法有时可将介词for 换成about。如:We’re anxious for [about] his safety.我们担心他的安全。2) 渴望某事物。如:We are anxious说完了。
anxious 的用法 -
anx·ious ['æŋk∫əs][中文释义]-anxious(形容词)1.忧虑的,担心的;挂念的,焦急的。2.切望的,渴望的;急想。3.使人不安的。He is anxious to see you. 他急想见你。anxious seat [bench] 〔美国〕忏悔者座位(on the anxious seat 坐立不安)。be anxious about (是什么。
一、quot;着急的"英文是anxious,音标英[ˈæŋkʃəs]、美[ˈæŋkʃəs]。二、释义:adj.焦急的;渴望的;令人焦虑的;流露出忧虑的He is anxious that there should be no delay 他非常希望不会出现延误。三、词源解说:17世纪20年代进入等会说。
anxious什么意思中文翻译 -
1、anxious的意思是:anxious是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意思是“焦虑的;担忧的;渴望的;急切的”。2、anxious的发音:英[ˈæŋkʃəs];美(ˈæŋkʃəs)3、anxious词组短语:feel anxious变得着急; 觉得着急; 心中有顾虑; 后面会介绍。
1、feel anxious 心中有顾虑2、Anxious dead 急死了3、Feeling anxious 感到焦虑anxious 读法 英[ˈæŋkʃəs] 美[ˈæŋkʃəs]示例:They are waiting anxiously to see who will succeed him.他们在焦虑不安地等着看谁将接还有呢?
anxious作焦虑时是否可以直接接that用?比如 i was anxious that our...
anxious的用法(搭配与句型) 1. be anxious about sth (sb) 为某事或某人担心或担忧。如:I’m very anxious about him. 我很为他担心。He was anxious about her absence. 他担心她不来。2. be anxious for sth (sb)(1) 为某事或某人担心或担扰。如:为某事或某人担心或担扰。如:He was还有呢?
意思是:做某事很焦虑。anxious 英['æŋkʃəs] 美['æŋkʃəs]adj.渴望的;忧虑的例句用作形容词(adj.)The whole country was anxious for peace.全国上下都渴望和平。I am anxious to compare my fancy with reality.我焦切地把我的想象说完了。