



2024-07-18 14:33:17 来源:网络


anger造句 -
关于“anger造句”如下:1、Her anger boiled over when she saw her colleague taking credit for her hard work.2、The customer's constant complaints were beginning to ignite a sense of anger in the salesman.3、I could feel the anger bubbling up inside me as I watched him lie throu好了吧!
anger造句。1、He stood up with great anger.他气得站了起来。2、The man found his wife lying and burned in anger.这个男人发现妻子撒谎,于是怒火中烧。3、Her bitter words angered me.她尖酸刻薄的话激怒了我。


anger和angry的区别 -
5、He couldn't hold back his anger.
anger的基本意思是“愤怒;怒火”,引申也可以表示自然力的猖狂和无法控制,如狂风、怒涛等。anger是抽象不可数名词,其没有复数形式,当其用来表示愤怒的原因时,可接介词at或by短语。angry造句1、Are you an angry rant?你是一声愤怒的吼叫?还是一首民谣?2、The door suddenly gave away and an 好了吧!
anger 和 angery 区别 -
anger 是名词angery 是形容词,
用anger造句  我来答1个回答#热议# 孩子之间打架父母要不要干预?匿名用户2014-08-17 展开全部 已赞过已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论收起为你推荐:特别推荐抖音、快手等多个网站将展示用户IP 归属地,将带来哪些影响? 神舟13号此次任务达成了哪些目的? 一分钟的MBTI性格测试靠谱吗?
anger是什么意思 -
关于anger的造句1、We often do things in anger that we are sorry for afterwards.我们在气愤时往往作出事后令我们后悔的事。2、At his press conference, Obama acknowledged public anger on the issue.在奥巴马的新闻发布会上,他承认公众对于该问题的愤怒。3、In a gust of uncontrollable anger到此结束了?。
你的“好意”我是不会忘却的。Kindness is but one of his virtues.善良仅是他的美德之一。There is no relief to not have the right. " Relief is in essence a right.“没有救济就没有权利”,救济本质上也是一种权利。Sadness is full of all my days.悲伤充斥着我的每一天。Anger is a等我继续说。
有关angry的英语短语 -
1、be/get angry at sth 因某事而生气例句:He rushed out of the house as if he was angry at my criticism.他冲出房间,好像对我的批评很生气的样子。2、be angry about sth 因某事而生气例句:I was angry about the rumours.我对这些谣言感到生气。3、get/be angry with sb 生某人的等会说。
Childhood is a beautiful treasure box containing my childhood joy, anger, sadness and joy. Childhood is a photo album, which reflects my childhood memories. Childhood is a delicious chocolate, a bite, reminds me of the sweet childhood. .人生就是一个不停放弃的过程。放弃童年的无忧,成全长大的期说完了。