



2024-07-19 06:21:09 来源:网络


also的同义词 -
Also this room wasdirty.这个房间也很脏.2.有时由于also 位置不同,可能会导致句子含义不同.如:We also regard him as a great writer today.我们也(同别人一样)把他看成当今伟大的作家.We regard also him as a great writer today.我们把他(We regard also him as a great writer tod有帮助请点赞。
also的同义词:additionally, again, along, along with, and, as well, besides, conjointly, further, furthermore, including, likewise, more, moreover, plus, still, to boot*, together with, too 【解析】adv.也;同样;并且;conj.另外;易混淆单词:AlsoALSO 柯林斯高阶英汉词典同1.ADV而是什么。


also的同义词 -
additionally, again, along, along with, and, as well, besides, conjointly, further, furthermore, including, likewise, more, moreover, plus, still
1."也;还;同样地"释义下的同义词too well as besides in addition 其他释义下的同义词too either then besides so moreover yet addition likewise furthermore in also的基础像义adv. 也; 同样; 并且;conj. 另外;also例句1. Surfing the Internet is fun, but it'等我继续说。
also的同义词 -
1、also的同义词有and ,too ,either,as well,then,else。2、also的意思是,也;又;并且;而且,此外;同样地,例句]Monsignor Jaime Goncalves was also there.热姆?贡萨尔维斯大人也在场。
also同义词 -
同义词:additionally, again, along, along with, and, as well, besides, conjointly, further, furthermore, including, likewise, more, moreover, plus, still, to boot*, together with, too 反义词:in spite of, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand 好了吧!
also的同义词是什么? -
adv.(副词)In addition; besides.而且;此外Likewise; too:同样地;也:If you will stay, I will also.如果你留下来,我也要留下来conj.(连接词)And in addition:而且:It's a pretty cat, also friendly.这是只漂亮的猫,而且很友好Middle English 中古英语from Old English ealsw&希望你能满意。
too和either,also都表示“也”also用于句中,行为动词之前,助动词和be动词还有情态动词之后,用于肯定句too用于句尾,要用逗号隔开either跟too的用法一样,不过用于否定句中also :也 用在主语和动词之间。She also likes swimming.too :也用于句末,并且用逗号将它和前面的句子隔开。I like 是什么。