



2024-07-21 05:17:57 来源:网络


adventurer是什么意思 -
汉语翻译n. 冒险家, 投机者【法】冒险者, 投机者英语解释:名词adventurer:a person who enjoys taking risks 同义词:venturer someone who travels into little known regions (especially for some scientific purpose)同义词:explorer 例句:An adventurer who engages in a private military action还有呢?


adventurer是什么意思 -
探险家,冒险家; 投机商人;网络冒险家; 冒险者; 探险者;复数:adventurers 双语例句Suddenly, the adventurer ( 27 at the time) who can't stop moving is locked in place.这个从未停下探索脚步的27岁探险家突然间成了笼中困兽。
adventurer的意思是:探险家,冒险家;投机商人。复数:adventurers dventurer 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释The victorian adventurer richard burton undertook the hajj disguised as an afghan doctor .维多利亚时期的冒险家理查德伯顿乔装成阿富汗医生去麦加朝圣。This winter the g到此结束了?。
adventurer是什么意思 -
英[ədˈventʃərə(r)] 美[ædˈvɛntʃəɚ]n. 探险家,冒险家; 投机商人;[例句]No adventurer of this type ever came to a good end!像这样铤而走险的人是不会有好结果的!其他] 复数:adventurers 希望你能满意。
adventurer [Ed5ventFErE(r)]n.冒险家adventurer n.(名词)One that seeks adventure.冒险家:寻求冒险的人A soldier of fortune.雇佣兵:为钱财而战的士兵A heavy speculator in stocks, business, or trade.投机商:股票,商业或贸易方面的大投机者One that attempts to gain wealth and 是什么。
adventure是什么意思? -
adventure本身是名词形式,意为冒险经历;冒险的刺激;不顾后果(或潜在危险)的行为;生意。此外还有adventurer,意为冒险家;投机商人;投机者;雇佣兵。1、adventure 例句:Much as I had enjoyed my adventure it was good to be back.虽然这番游历使我很开心,能回来也真好。This is a hackneyed 等我继续说。
...探索 和我那个adventurer探险有什么不同 又纠结了 有没有两个意思...
explore是动词adventurer是名词-冒险家的意思 暂时还找不到动名词结构的冒险,抱歉,只能麻烦楼主自己去百度google一下了,
an adventurer 一个冒险家双语对照例句:1.So you were an adventurer even as a kid?这么说你小时候就是探险家了?2.Travels of an adventurer socialist 社会主义者的冒险之旅3.Strewn with ruins but without a single paved road, this large island is anadventurer's playground.遗迹遍布但是说完了。