



2024-07-17 21:42:12 来源:网络


skillful什么意思及同义词 -
同义词: adept apt clean clever expert handy masterful orderly proficient shipshape skillful tidy trim well-done well-kept 反义词: dirty untidy


艾斯用英语怎么拼写 -
可以说:ace ace 1、读音:英[eɪs] 美[eɪs]2、释义:n. A纸牌(亦称“爱司”);擅长…的人;精于…的人;对手接不到发球的) 发球得分;爱司球。adj. 第一流的;极好的。vt. 发球得分;彻底打败;击败;得高分;顺利通过考试。3、例句:I'd been doing some 好了吧!
同义词:ace,breeze through,nail,pass with flying colors,sail through,sweep through;genius,hotshot,ace,adept,maven,mavin,sensation,star,superstar,virtuoso,whiz,whizz,wiz,wizard,champion;ace,allied command europe;crack,fantastic,first-rate,ace,a-one,super,tiptop,topn说完了。
ACES是什么意思ACES的解释 -
同义词:ace, adept, champion, sensation, maven, mavin, virtuoso, genius, hotshot, star, superstar, whiz, whizz, wizard, wiz a major strategic headquarters of NATO; safeguards an area extending from Norway to Turkey 同义词:Allied Command Europe, ACE a serve that the receiver is 后面会介绍。
同义词:adept, expert, good, practiced, proficient, skillful, skilful 9. thorough 同义词:good 10. with or in a close or intimate relationship 同义词:dear, good, near 11. financially sound 同义词:dependable, good, safe, secure 12. most suitable or right for a particular 等会说。
good 的同义词 -
^.^ 参考: Yahoo!字典good有唔同meaning 所以你要睇下definition先知边d同义词你想要Definition: pleasant Synonyms: acceptable ace admirable agreeable bully capital choice mendable congenial crack deluxe excellent exceptional favorable first-class first-rate gnarly grating great honorable marvelous后面会介绍。
1,special指的是人或物所具有的可以明辨的独有的特性,强调独有性。这时,不可与其它的词混淆。特别是指为了某一专门的目的进行的某一动作或设立的物品。其相应的副词形式用法上也相同。如: a special hospital:专科医院He came to Beijing on a special visit to his friend.他来北京是专门为等会说。
“酷”的准确解释是什么 ?出自何处? -
现代英汉词典adept adj.(与at, in连用)熟练的;精通的She was adept at the fine art of irritating people.她惯于激惹别人生气。词性变化n.内行;老手简明英汉词典adept adj.熟练的, 拿手的n.老手, 擅长者第二题A 3.I konw how I can make vegetables salad.<变同义句> I konw 说完了。