



2024-07-20 10:27:28 来源:网络


He wasn't cooking at this time last day. 他在昨天的这个时候不做饭🐍——-🏓🙈。
过去进行时的句子有🙀--🦨:1😹🐪|*、when/while we were having supper,the light went out.我们正在吃饭时灯熄灭了😙__🐸。2😦|——🎈、i was walking in the street when someone called me.我正在街上走时突然有人喊我🐭🐭——🤠。3🐷😯__*、while he was waiting for the bus,he was reading a newspaper.他边等车边看报🦠|🐋。4🐡-🦄🐽、he was 等会说🌩🐣——|🎫。


1.They were having a birthday party.2.They were watching TV.3.They were drawing pictures.4.He was reading a book.5.He was listening the music.6.He was playing a story.7.They were playing football.8.They were flying a kite.9.They were dancing.
1.don' t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn' t willing to waste their time on you🧧🐆-|🍂。不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间🌸🎊_-🐇⛈。2.don' t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn\' t willing to waste their time on you🕊-😕🛷。不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人是什么🦍|_🦟。
9. 当我进来时🦄🐕_🤡😲,他正在读书🍀|_🧩。10. 上周他们在上海🐁🧧-_🐷🐈‍⬛。They were in Shanghai last week🦍🐸|😙。11. 我已经买这本词典三年了🌳_|🐌🦅。12. 疑问副词通常也会充当引导词引导从句🦐🦕|-🦋😬,比如what/where/when/which等😕♦|_😁;13. 对于特殊结构🎇🎭_🌙,比如倒装结构🌒_-😪,分隔结构🌳_|🌱🪆,应对策略在于调整原文的顺序🦕😼-——😨🔮,找到成分搭配关系🐼🐘__🐽。14. Look! A 有帮助请点赞🦈🧨|🌥。
1. I was closing the window.2. Her baby was sleeping.3. Miss Li was writing a letter.4. The children were singing a song.5. Jack's father was making a kite.6. The ducks were swimming in the river.
1.What were you doing at nine last night?昨晚九点时🦖||🐄🦍,你在做什么?2.I called you yesterday afternoon but there was no answer.昨天下午我打电话给你🐇🏉--🥉🎐,但是没有人接电话😄_——🎏。3.I was visiting a friend of mine most of the afternoon.我昨天下午大部分时间🍁🏏--😂🕸,都在一个朋友家里🎿——🤬。4.It was 等我继续说🐁🦀——*🦇。
the popular English song.听🌳-|🪄!我们英语老师正在唱那首流行的英文歌曲🍁_🤥。The report was finished by him.报告由他完成🧿——-🐁🐜。My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himself.我弟弟在骑自行车时摔倒了😍♥|🪴,摔伤了自己🦕|🐓👺。he is reading a newspaper in the office.他正在办公室看报🤔_*。
1. 过去进行时的肯定形式为🐦🐐|☀️🪄: was/were + 现在分词🦈🐰——|🕹。We were dancing while the band was playing. 我们随着乐队的演奏起舞🦋🦍|💀🐗。Our teacher asked us to stop what we were doing . 教师叫我们停止正在做的事情🦎🐩_😡🦄。He cut himself while he was shaving. 他刮胡子时把自己割伤了🎍_——*🙃。2. 过去进行时的好了吧🐝-🌹!
过去进行时1.The boy was doing his homework when his father came back from work.2.He was taking a walk leisurely by the lake when he heard someone shouted for help.3.What were you doing at nine last night?4.The radio was being repaired when you called me.5.He fell 等我继续说🐤——-🌥🦖。