



2024-07-24 16:23:31 来源:网络


who is taller than you?翻译??
你好🌧_|🐸,同学🌗*——🦝。who is taller than you?翻译结果为🧐|-🦣:谁比你高🎑♣|🥌🐇。重点词汇释义🦚🐑|🙁:who谁🎫🐂|🎯🦕; 什么人☹️🐝——_🌏🌘;taller更高的☺️🙂--🐏🦌; 高的😉|😶; 高大的🍂-🐼; 有…高🙈——*,身高🌾🐝-|🌦; tall的比较级🦐-🐙,than比🎗🐏_🏸😺; 多于🐰_😊。
Who's taller than you, mike and Amy's


他的尾巴更长🦈_|🤕🌺。他的头更小*🐦__😕。Let’s play 我比你高🦃🪱——😼,而且比你重🎰🐿_-🦋。我的手比你的大🌧_🐳。我的胳膊比你的长🐚_😯。Let’s talk你多重?我重48千克😼_🌑。我比你瘦还比你矮*🌏_🪁🧶,是的我比你高大🐹-😧👽,比你强壮😺_-🐪🙃。你腿有多长?76厘米你脚多大?我穿17码的鞋🙊||🎟。我穿16码的鞋🦔🦂|🌨。Pair work 1 你多高?你的腿多长?让我看看„到此结束了?🍂_——🐉。
much a lot 你可以翻译为🐋🏈——💐🎟,👽——-✨🐪。🎊--🌸🐅。得多🐾——🐳🏏,比如much higher 高得多a little 你可以翻译为稍微😆🦎_🐫🕷。🦖🦌——_🐣。🐟|🤯🐞。🦋🖼——🐬,比如a little higher 稍微高一些你说的对🕸——😳。小明比小红高🔮☹️_|😗🐳,有三种表达方法🐯🐏|💐🤨:一🐨🎽_——🦢🪅:Xiao Ming is taller than Xiao Hong 二😒👽-🎟🧩:Xiao Ming is less taller than Xiao Hong 三🤡🪡_🐨🌚:Xiao Hong is shorter th等会说🐱|🌺🦃。
1 Are you stronger than John?2 Who is taller?3 Who is heavier?4 Is Dad one year older than Mum?5 I like the fattest rabbit best.~亲🦉🏵||⛸,如果你认可我的回答🪡🐹__🌳🌩,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端上评价点【采纳回答】即可😷🦙_🐂🤗。你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O*🦌|😤,..
David?I think Wang Bing is taller than him.3.Your Chinese and English are both good,but your math is poor.4.Do boys jump higher than girls?yes.5.Mike runs as fast as Ben.6.Does Jim swim faster than David?No,he doesn't.7.Gao Shan's brother is taller than David到此结束了?🎏|🤤。.
英语翻译 初中知识 比较级??
你弟弟比你高很多吗?Is youger brother taller than you ?linda和他的堂妹一样大Linda is as old as his cousin 李芳和李平😽--🐌,谁的头发更长一些Liping or Liping, Whose hair is longer ?露西比玛丽跑的快多了Lucy runs much faster than Mary 在学校🌍_🦂🦋,李丽比王红更受欢迎Lily is more 有帮助请点赞🤑🤬-🤗。
Who is older than David? Gaoshan is Who is taller than Helen? Yang Ling is Whose schoolbag is heavier,yours or mine? Mine Whose dog is fatter,yours or hers? Yours
英语翻译 我和你一样高 我们比他们重一点 他是班里最好的学生 她跑得...
你好🐩🐊-🦕🕸,很高兴为你回答我和你一样高🐃——😙。I am as tall as you/You and I are of the same height🖼-——🐖💐。我们比他们重一点😙_🎉🛷。We are a little heavier than you/Our weights are a little bigger than yours😶🦉_🦋🌔。他是班里最好的学生🐍——🐐🐳。He is the best students in the class😗——🌿😗。No student is better 后面会介绍🌏🕸_*。
1. 孔子古文翻译翻译如下🐾*|——🐱: 孔子认为✨💮_😙,颜回⚡️-🤮⚡️、子贡🎈-🦒🎐、子路都有他们过人之处🪳|_🌾🌸,而且这些长处在某种意义上都是他孔子所赶不上的(“丘弗如也”),但由于不善于守中🦖🦉|⛈,不善于掌握恰当的分寸🐜|☺️🦫,因而都未能尽善尽美🏏😲-🐵。他自己则兼有众人之长🎰🎇_-🍁🦁,而又能无过与不及🏓🦃__💮,因此🦚☄️-|😣,虽然在具体方面不及诸人🦭🐓-|👻🐃,却有综合优势🌴--🤧🦄。原文🦂-🌳🦖:《淮南子·人间是什么🌒|-🌷。