



2024-07-06 02:21:11 来源:网络


1.how do you do?pleased 3 to meet you 2.it's very kind 8 of you to invite me 3.how long have you 1 been here in the states 4.excuse 4me.can i change this toy dog?5.I keep on 5 jogging every morning 6.may 10 i help you,sir?7.well done,perter! 7 congratula还有呢?
1. D.I.Y (G. do it yourself)2. engineer (A. a person working with building or maintaining machines and other technology)3. invitation (F. asking somebody in a friendly way togo somewhere)4. menu (H. a list of dishes served in a restaurant)5. favorite (C希望你能满意🦏🦔-🐂。.


1. 虽然我不会说英语🌼🐊__🦄🦜,但我还是尽最大努力的用肢体语言(去表达)2. 虽然外面很冷🐺🐏-👹,但Lucy没有穿外套3. 虽然空调开了*——🤯,但是房间还是不够凉快4. 虽然我见过她两次🤖🦕|——😻🌑,但是还是没有在一开始认出她来5. 虽然汤姆没有挣多少钱*|🦟,但是🎲🕹||😉🌴,他非常喜欢他的工作到此结束了?🔮_🍃🦄。
because of 对d.as a result of delighted 对g.very pleased and happy delay 对 e.cause to be later or slower than expected or desired rather than 对 a.instead of exchange 对c.give and receive(sth.in return for sth.else)line up 对i.stand one behind the other while 后面会介绍🎁——🦬。
as mild:(温和的)as a dove 😵-——🌹🦦:非常温和 cat😛|-🐊:猫as mute🤐👹-🐭🪴:沉默的🐤_🦍;无声的as a fish🦖🦊|🐘🌻:默不作声 cricket/lark🐪🌾——🐺:云雀🦗🦡__*,百灵鸟as nimble🐼-🦢🤖:敏捷的as a squirrel 🐲🥌|😤🐘:像松鼠那样敏捷 dog*-🐕‍🦺⭐️:狗as strong as a horse\ox 🤣-_🦍🦤:强壮如牛 是什么🌎|——🐔。
as mild:(温和的)as a dove 🦚💐_-😧🦖:非常温和 cat🐫*|——🌻:猫as mute*-🎉:沉默的🥇_🏏🌸;无声的as a fish🐬🐙|_👺:默不作声 cricket/lark🌴————🃏:云雀🐍-🎈🌱,百灵鸟as nimble🎍——🪳:敏捷的as a squirrel 🌵🏈——🪴:像松鼠那样敏捷 dog🦝🌹|-🦛🦣:狗as strong as a horse\ox 🦕🦎_🐥🌹:强壮如牛 还有呢?
( B)1.Does he like singing? A.We can watch a film.( D)2.How is your mother? B.Yes,he does.( E)3.Can I speak to Jim? C.I'd like a glass of juice.( F)4.What colour do you like best? D.Fine,thank you.( G)5.What's your father? E.Hold on,please.( I)到此结束了?🐭🪆|😛🕷。
J B E C I D G 她叫什么名字?玛丽史密斯🦗🐺|🦖🐹。你怎么样?我很好🐡——😈,谢谢你🐊🤫-🎋。你的夹克衫是什么颜色的呢?黑色的🥉_🦝。你的电话号码是什么?5352375😢——-😬🐦。很高兴认识你☁️🎍——|🌾,杰姆🎳🐤|-🦕。我也很高兴认识你🥎🍁|_🦔🍃。这在英语里是什么?它是电话号码🔮🐂-🦉。你的名字叫什么?尼克的手手🤪_——🏆。下午好😝__🐬,小芳🦋*_|🐈!下午好🪱🏈_🔮,李磊✨🤮——🦀。他的姓是什么?
7🎖😼_|😫🥌、Do you want to go there again?B*⚡️——🌜、Yes,very much.8🦇😮——|😭、Why do you watch TV every morning?F*——☺️🦜、Because I want to watch football games
but不对 B没有解释脱颖而出这个概念C把内容搞错了red sun应该是去解释第一个概念的😂-😤🐅,variety of conditions 是第二个概念🦁-_🎿,顺序搞混了D 中的special light conditions 指代的就是when blue ice is illuminated by a near-horizon red Sun🌱🦃|🕷。distinct 又与stand out 相对应*-_🦄😇。正确🦤_☘️🐤!