



2024-07-06 18:00:58 来源:网络


话题阅读七年级·B 第一周答案(英语)??
I. 1-4 BABB 5-8 BAAC II. 1. weekends 2. healthy 3. popular 4. hour5. pretty III. 1. to hike 2. are, going todo 3. to keep4. healthy 5. does, go IV. 1. much 2. spend 3. a 4. pretty/very 5.good 6.be 7. What 8. jump 后面会介绍🤬🦖|-🌷🎄。
7. 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A 5) A 6) B 7) B 8) A 8. 1) × 2) √ 3) √ 4) × 5) × 6) √ 11. 1) favourite 2) leaf 3) straight 4) drink 5) foot 6) turn 12. c a b d e 13. 1) light到此结束了?🌾🪄__😼。


这不仅考察了学生对词汇的记忆能力*🦤|——🕸,理解能力🕸——⛳,同时也反映出了学生的语法知识及运用英语的能力.做的不够好的有第2题🤭🐋-🙄:The boys are waiting for ___(they)turns to play computer games.学生看到了介词for马上就想到了介词+人称代词的宾格🌔🐪——|😫😶,马上把答案写成了them, 还有呢?
1-15BCDAABCDCABABC 16-20ABBAC 21-25 CBBAC 26-30 DBDBA 31-35 CCACB 36-40EDACG 41-45 CADBB 46-50ADBBC 51-55 CACDA 56-60DACDB 61. is called 62.it 63. Actually 64.amazing 65. to make 66.which / that 67. the 68. with /by 69. younger 70.had worked 短文改错😞💀-😗:..
gender school and coeducationschool,which is better for students?
初一下英语一单元一话题Section C1a的短文??
Dear Student,My name is Bob . I live in Toronto , Canada , and I want a pen pal in China . I think China is a interesting country .I’m 14 years old and my brithday is in November . I can sperk English and a littie Frenth .I have a brother , Paul , and a 等会说🦮🐟_*‍❄。
请你敞开心扉*_🦇🦨,以“成长”为话题🐽-——⚾🐣,讲述你成长过程中的一个故事🥈——_👻。600字以上🐦|🐪。参考答案*-🦬: 一🪰🦑——🦔🏈、积累与运用🦗🎋——_🦒🦒:(20分) 1🐓🎈——😵、2分)抄写时做到准确🙉——-🌨🦓、规范😿——-🧵、端正🙀|🌻、整洁即可得分🐕‍🦺--👹。2😋-♠、2分)Lí huì 惆湃3🌺🏑————🐇😉、2分)①醒省②婉宛4🦔——☁️🦜、2分)A 5🐹|_🦊、2分)C 6🐈‍⬛_|🐭、2分)略7🐘🐩_|🐳、2分)例如🦄🦡_😱: 8🦝|☁️🏐、6分) A.明月来相希望你能满意🦃🐗|🙀。
以下是我帮大家整理的英语话题作文6篇🦫🐨--😳,仅供参考🤢🎇——😿,欢迎大家阅读😈-|🐓🐸。英语话题作文篇1 For most of us today ,(1).From above ,we can find that the reasons why (2) are as follows.The primary reason ,i think, is (3).Second,(4).The third reason, actually ,is (5).The significance for (6)等我继续说🐿——|*🦧。