



2024-07-17 13:25:43 来源:网络


1. I wish you good luck with your interview.2. We have learnt a lot from Tim.3. The yellow leaves on the ground mark the end of summer.4. First of all, I must check your schoolbag.5. Henry has been to Paris dozens of times.6. She left the office in a hurry just 到此结束了?🎮🥉|——🦦🐣。
1. 我学习英语已经有六年了I've learned English for six years.I've been learning English for six years.2. 我去过北京有三次I've been to Beijing three times.3. 自从我第一次见到他🦋♟_😋,我们互相写信已有十年了We've written to each other for 7 years since I met him for the 后面会介绍🎰🐯——🙁🪄。


1 We keep in touch with the people in the world by means of radio and TV.2 We must make up for the lost time.3 The floor is so dirty that it needs cleaning.4 He was sent to town to find out the situation.5 An old woman was knocked down when she was crossing the 好了吧🌷🐨-🦜🦂!
1😱——⭐️🤗、我不喜欢你跟他讲话的方式i don't quite like the way you speak.2*|🥇🎿、我正在参观我妈妈十年前在那教过物理的那所学校i'm visiting the school where my mom taught phisics ten years ago.3🦁🎿|——🦌*、我愿意帮助那些家庭贫困的孩子i'd like to sponsor those kids who are from pour family.4等会说🐖🦩-🐄🕊。
1.to fish in the troubled waters 浑水摸鱼2.Good wine needs no bush. 好酒不需要衬套(人不可貌相)3.Every flow has its ebb.每一波潮汐最终都将退去(老虎也有打盹儿的时候)4.to come like a dog at a whistle 象狗一样应声而至(呼之即来)5.to bring down the house 博得满堂等会说🐗🦦|🌺。
It is understandable but risky for the old world to decline immigrants.这是可以理解的🦧🦘|🎆😐,但有风险的旧世界🦕-_🧧,下降的移民😵🪳——🌒。The reason why so much foreign direct investment in China still passes through the Chiness immigrants is that they know the local culture.为什么这么多的外国直接投资在后面会介绍😍🐍-|🤕🦡。
make a study of history 研究历史a book of -dies for the piano 钢琴练习曲集a quick [slow] study (台词)记得快[慢]He is fond of study.他喜欢学习😛|🌺🦝。I shall not end my -dies when I leave school.中学毕业后☄️——-🤑🪆, 我将继续我的学业🌻🐤||🎁。Biology is the study of living things.生物学好了吧😒——🦡🐔!
英语高中翻译句子1 During the meeting,hardly had he begun to speak when the audience interrupted him 他一开始说话🦑_|🦘,就被听众打断了surrounded by the police, the kidnappers had no choices but to surrender on the spot (没有选择😘——🦂🦚,只能投降)The concerned mother thrilled at the news of 是什么🐿🌏-|🪡🕊。
1 he uesd to live in the countryside.2 What do you often do in your spare time?3 Speaking up loudly so that everyone can hear you.4 When are you planning to set off tomorrow?5 she doesn't want you to go off now.6 Where shall we put up our camp tonight?7 she fall 是什么😓🕸——🍀。
come at 9.Can I go home after 10?The meeting was scheduled for 2 hours, but it's not finished by now.Tom's birthday is this week.Will you have a look for a while?Could you tell me how to get there?Please do me a favour later.He is crazy about the Crazy English等会说🦊🌕|🎏😹。.