



2024-07-20 20:29:59 来源:网络


求英语翻译 线上等答案!!急用!!(适合大学生的语法)??
This idea, however, was given up later. Because the real estate prices has been increasingly growing nowadays, let alone the uncertain factors of buying houses.后来我想到*-——🥉,我现在还在读书🤫_|⛸🪲,没有必要拥有太多的钱🏈——🌖😰,所以我想我还是先把钱给父母保管或者给他们用🤐🪀_——🐕🦉,然后一部分的捐给慈善机构🃏|🖼🎲。And有帮助请点赞🌻——🐹。
1 You'll lose the chance for learning if you talk in the class. 2 you'll be hurt if you play in the street on your way home 3 you'll feel happy if you always help others 4 you can raise the money to the gutter if you are rich 5 you'll get the the red flag到此结束了?🪲🐒——🐃🎍。


because she always likes taking joyfully the person, therefore everybody very likes her. she optimistic and open and bright can always infect the person,
I want a plane ticket to Paris at 10 o'clock on Monday morning.
Not we expected this examination is very easy 她不能说话😲-🐂🐖,也不能明白我们所说的任何话She can't speak, also can't understand what we say any words 他是否受过正规训练与成为一名优秀的演员并不相干Whether he has received formal training or not is not relevant to being a fine actor说完了😪——🦚。
经理不公正地把销售量的上涨归因于益智玩具的市场*|🌗。9. The fact that other companies enjoyed sales increases through marketing educational toys does not guarantee that Hyper-Go would also experience such increase by taking the same actions.其他公司通过销售益智玩具使销售量上涨的事实并不能保证有帮助请点赞🐇——-🐅。
1 true, never lies 2 trust, keep the secret 3 cares about, thinks about himself
handsome有英俊的😐__🦬🦊、美观的🙊*_🤫、大方的意思🤣_😇🐦。handsome 英[ˈhænsəm] 美[ˈhænsəm]handsome作(形容词)1🦃*——🥊💐、handsome主要用来形容男人英俊潇洒💀_🦈,仪表堂堂🎖_*🎖,眉清目秀🐽————🐌,使人产生美好🕊|-😩♟、欢快的感觉☁️🐋-🪲。2🖼-🐤、间或也可形容女人清秀端庄🐒_🙃🌿,体态匀称🦀_-♥🎗,举止文雅🎽🐟——*🐯。3🦉🐷_👻🦃、handsome几乎不指说完了😏🐥-😧☺️。
1.having ignored the practice in oral english and listening,I can speak english fluently.2.I was about to sleep after finishing my homework when the phone ringed.3.she found it easy to finish the work in 2 hours.4.in order to get the first prize he must run as fast as 等会说🦖|-🐷。