



2024-07-19 23:36:23 来源:网络


愚人节的英语笑话1 April 1st is the day people try to trick their friends, to make them behave like fools. Ranging from the elaborate practical joke to the obvious Your zip's undone the joker gloats April Fool when the unsuspecting victim falls for it. No one is exempt until等会说🐩☘️——-🤿。
经典幽默英语段子精选1🦝🦣|-🌼🐂:1😑*_😲😦、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.任何值得做的🎏||🤭🏒,就把它做好🐙——🐗。2🦎🦀——|🌻、Happiness is a way station between too much and too little.幸福是太多和太少之间的一站😩——🐿🐪。3🔮-🎳👺、In love folly is always sweet.恋爱中🐇——🎊🤿,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙🪳|🎴🐿。4🐦🐭——🌾、The hard part is到此结束了?🌚-🦚🌛。


1😮|——🐓、You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success. -- Charles Chaplin人必须有自信🦬🤠——🐸,这是成功的秘密🦚||🐩。-- 卓别林2🐨--♟🦢、Gods determine what you're going to be. 人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人🐄|-🎲🙂。3😬|*、The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be 希望你能满意🎄🕊-🤔。
英语笑话段子【1】An Exact Number 准确数字A tourist was visiting New Mexico and was amazed at the dinosaur(恐龙) bones lying about.How old are these bones? the tourist asked an elderly Native American, who served as a guide.Exactly one hundred million and three years old.How ca说完了😤🎎-☄️。
关于搞笑的中式英语段子🐈‍⬛——-🐂🦬,相关内容如下🥎||🎽🥏:1*-🦟🐬、we two who and who?咱俩谁跟谁阿🕸|_🎍。2💮-|🐀🦥、how are you ? how old are you? 怎么是你🐀🧵-🥉🐍,怎么老是你?3🦂|_✨、you don’t bird me,I don’t bird you 你不鸟我😋——🐁🐁,我也不鸟你🕊🌿——🐡😇。4🐯🏑--🐞、you have seed 🐼-|😬,I will give you some color to see see 你有种到此结束了?🐗-_🦠。
超简短的英语笑话段子(一) 顾客🦍😻_——🎳:小心🦨|-😑,你的大拇指在我汤里了⛅️🦮-*🏈!服务员🐞_🐯🦨:别担心*🦭|🌹🀄,先生🦦——-🤒🌼,不是很烫☀️🌱——🐐!Diner: Watch out! Your thumbs in my soup!Waiter: Don't worry, Sir, it's not that hot!一个服务员给顾客拿来了牛排🐏🐫——-🥈,大拇指在牛肉上🦡|_🌻。ldquo;你疯了吗?”顾客喊到*-——🍂🌸,ldquo;你的有帮助请点赞😘-🐚🤯。
1🐣||🎨、a strong man will struggle with the storms of fate♦————🤣、强者能同命运的风暴抗争🍃-🦗。2🐑🐡_🃏♠、a man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else💐——*、一个人可以失败很多次🐰——🐍,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人🏐|_🌨,他还不是一个失败者🐸_🦤🎨。3🐙😤|-♦、all that you do, do 到此结束了?🧐😄_*♣。
但是🐿🤕-——🎰🐓,中午一到🦂🤥||🌴🦋,玩笑必须马上终止🤫🦮——🌓,或是玩笑马上得转为诙谐的小段子😈🐽||🧿🦃: “愚人节🙄_🐗,过了啊🤿——|🐈‍⬛🎁,大笨蛋🌒🤣——🦅🍃,是你哦🐘_😢🐄!”Origin 起源 In Britain, fooling at this time of year has gone on for centuries, however the origin of the custom still remains obscure. There are several theories to account for it. One还有呢?
提示🎍🦒|_🐄:这应该是个很老的段子了🌔|——🐤*,无奈我每次听还是会觉得很好笑🎲|_🐄。文化差异这东东还真根深蒂固呢🐌*-🌸🪳。于是再复习一次吧⚡️🐥|-🦏*。英语国家的说话习惯是按照事实情况回答🌴-🎗,吃了就是Yes,没吃就是No,不管问句是以肯定开头还是否定🌔🌼|——🌺。自由女神像怎么说? 刚到US的朋友🦝-_🦉,到了纽约🐨--🐉,想去看自由女神🕸-😄,但是不知道路🐈||🐜🦗。于是乎在路边抓了一希望你能满意⚡️————🤨🌪。
中式英语闹出的笑话段子1 场景一🕷🐘-——*:雇主🤩——🐭🏉:how much do you want a month? 你一个月要多少钱?保姆🍁🥍--🤧:800 yuan,eat you,sleep you. 800块🍁|🐔🎊,吃你的😝——☄️,住你的🤬-😢。问题来了🐊-|🌪🕊,那么管吃管住怎么说?场景二🐗🙊-_🤓:有个朋友来加拿大第一次去吃牛排🧐🦌|——🐺,服务员问🌖——🌑🪅:“How would you like your steak done?”(您的后面会介绍🦫——|🐞。