



2024-07-11 19:33:46 来源:网络


Because he knows —even the littlest Mouse can help the biggest Lion. 现在狮子不在嘲笑老鼠了✨🐆__🦦*。因为他知道——即使是最小的老鼠也能帮助最大的狮子🦅_|🤯🌑。英语小故事🤪_🐋🦦:工之侨造琴 Gong Zhiqiao obtained a piece of fine Chinese tung wood and made a qin (stringed musical instrument) out of it. When后面会介绍🤓——⛈。


3分钟英语小故事(一)a country maid was walking along with a can of milk upon her head,when she fell into the following train of reflections."the money for which i shall sell this milk will enable me to increase my stock of eggs to three hundred,these eggs,allowing for what是什么⛸🐥——🕸😪。
d.某人刻苦学习英语😙💫|🎏🐄,终有小成🐙——_🐌🌸。一日上街不慎与一老外相撞🎏_|🎋*,忙说🤖|_🐐🌙:I am sorry🤩-🎎🤧。老外应道♥🤧_🐼:I am sorry too🐙-|🌿。某人听后又道*——|🎾:I am sorry three🦃-🐦。老外不解🦒🥍|🤣🐤,问🦊*||🐓:What are you sorry for? 某人无奈🎱||🐖🐾,道🐌-♠:I am sorry five😥|——🦇🏐。爆笑🐋🐝_🤢:昨天夜里我爸妈表演“混合双打”Teacher of Physical Education: Have you ever 好了吧🎲-——🦒😶!
少年儿童英语小故事--猴子捞月(中英文对照)One day,a little monkey is playing by the well.一天🏉🤖——🐵,有只小猴子在井边玩儿🐐--🎋🐩。He looks in the well and shouts :它往井里一瞧🪀🐀|-🐁,高喊道*|_🧿:“Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!”“噢🐓——*!我的天🌥——🐷!月亮掉到井外头啦🀄-|🌵!”An older 是什么🐦——🌲。
英语课前三分钟小故事篇1 Where Do You keep Yours ?你的东西放到哪儿去了?The famous, but rather aged, doctor was making his rounds, followed by a young intern. Suddenly the intern noticed something peculiar.一位上了年纪的著名医生正在各病房做例行巡视🧶🌝——🤖,一位年轻的实习医生跟着他🦗🎍|🥋,突是什么🦧🦘_🏑🐔。
After school at five , I go back home. I often help my mother do some housework. Sometimes I watch TV.After dinner, I begin to do my homework.Then I take a shower. I go to bed at nine thirty..我每天早上六点起床🤫🌺-——🦊。做了早操后🦠_-🐰🦘,我读英语20分钟🕷🌞|_🐏🍄。七点吃早餐🦍🐽-|🐣。早饭后🎄🙁_|🌖,我带等我继续说🌾——|🦚。
优秀英语小故事3分钟(一)The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the 有帮助请点赞🌜|——🙊。
it will be in your hands become soft as silk, you will no longer be stabbed. "一个小孩不小心被苎麻刺了🐩☘-🤧,他急忙跑回家🦓👹|——🐗🤬,告诉妈妈说🪶|😣🐕:“我只轻轻地碰它一下😆--🐤,它就刺得我很痛🎾-🌦。”妈妈说😜🦆--😍:“正因为如此🐈——🙄,它才会刺你🍃🐕‍🦺_🎍。下次你如果再碰到苎麻*🐄|-🦜😅,要勇敢地一把抓住它🎃——-🕷,它就会在你的手中变得柔软如丝🤧🌲——_🐫,等会说🦓🐣--🐪🎫。