



2024-07-21 04:20:29 来源:网络


1.The food doesn't taste well.改错🤩✨-🐭: The food doesn't taste good(或nice).解释🐪|-🏆:taste在表示"有到此结束了?🐘🤓|😓。味","吃/喝起来到此结束了?😉🌲-_🐸🏒。"时是一个联系动词☘️——💥🍁,用法类似于be,后面接形容词*😹|_🌷☺️,而不是副词🐸-🦄🐁;翻译💀🐀————*:食物味道不佳🤖🦉-*⛸。2.He spent half a year on writing a short story.改错🦬😈|🤨🎯:He spent half an year i到此结束了?😺🐈——🐒。
1. is-are,beat-beating. 部分学生在教室里用尺子拍打他的书包和桌子🍀🏵|🐥🦭。2.这句话不知道从何改起🏏-🎿,句式都是错的🐗|-🌴😍,而且句子的意思不明白🦈🐉-🌕🐂。3.Acturally it's a question that how to do the work.实际上如何做这个工作是个问题😰🤩-🌦♦。


1.Ought you smoke so much?【解释】在you后面加to🐱🐆_☄️,这道题考查的是情态动词Ought to的用法🌞🐖-——🐩💐,表示客观上的必须🙈——-🐌。这句话采用了翻译疑问句🦍——_🎄,更增强了语气🐖🪰|_🐞😬,表示说话者不想让听话者抽那么多的烟🤕-——🤿。2.If Fred didn't leave here before five,he mustn't be home yet.【解释】把mustn't改为couldn'是什么😘|_♥。
1. 改为I ‘ll come to see you if it is covenient for you. 用covenient只能物做主语🐿*|🪡。如果你方便的话🌹-|🃏🐝,我会来看你的2.改为He is such a man who doesn't like to be distinguished by his success.固定搭配be distinguished by 通过(由于)..被区分他是一个不喜欢通过他有帮助请点赞🙉🐰|🪲。
5. Please return my dictionary back soon. 改正🥀_——*🤢:去掉back. 解释🪲🧐_|🌺🌳:return意思是“归还”🦕🐀-——🐽🤬,等同于give back🐹_-🌈,所以其后的back重复多余🙄🌟——_🦉。6. Tom was jusr falling asleep then the telephone rang. 改正🦫😘_|🏐🕸:then → when 解释🦛|🐺🪱:前后是两个句子🤪_♟*,所以必须改用并列连词when🪀--🎍,翻译为“就在这时”🦗-——🙊🐺。
1.The life of a pig isn't always perfect.一只猪的生活不总是完美的2.Living with a pig isn't always perfect.和一只猪一起生活不总是完美的3.Living from a pig isn't always perfect.远离一只猪生活到此结束了?🐘🐡|🐖。4.对的话🏆-🐫🐒:生活对一只猪来说不总是完美的错的话😢🦓_|🐇🐭:living up to a pig 到此结束了?🧐🐘|_🌚🏏。
朋友🐨|🙉🦟,这个句子中的错误出现在”not to be liked“中🐈‍⬛😰_——🎊🦚,不应该用不定式to😠————🦕,直接去掉to即可🪡🌵——_🌷。因为🦩|🦇🐨,正确的表达为🤕🐈_|🤕🦃:It was as I said🦗🐫_——🐟,not be liked.(这正是我说的那样🎇|——🙈,而不是它看起来那样)全文翻译🐆|🎽:这是我们能够承受的极限😴🐷|-🐞,这正是我说的那样😱🦅_*,而不是它看起来那样💐🦔_*🪴,好好生活吧🎁😐-🦊🀄,忘记我们曾经教有帮助请点赞🏵-|*。
翻译句子🐣-_🤡:我做的练习不如你多💀🐜-🦝。I've done less practice than you.我妹妹飞快地吃完饭👺——🐚🤪。My sister finished the meal in a hurry.改错🍂*|😠:You've recieved much flowers than I.You've received MORE flowers than I.My books are less than yours.My books are FEWER than yours后面会介绍🎖🌻_|🎇🐯。.
修改*🌏|😇🎳:Students have not got adequate training/encouragement to cultivate an exploring in the integrative abilities.学生没有得到足够的训练/鼓励来促使他们提升综合能力🎃_🏅🦔。训练和鼓励里挑一个词吧🌾🦌|😓*,看你想表达什么了🐇——🎎。Consequently, they bear certain psychological obstacles. They also have handicapped 到此结束了?🦥😅_🦫🐅。
go改为get It takes me one hour to go to work every day.我每天花一个小时的时间工作🦟--🪄。It takes me one hour to get to work every day.我每天花一个小时的时间到达工作(地点)