



2024-07-11 14:39:26 来源:网络


英语口语面试常见问题及解答如下🐣🌻|——🐡🌝:1🐫|——😖、“Tell me about how you handled a conflict situation you encountered”1😓*|🐝🐖、“告诉我遇到冲突你是如何处理的🐌-🦟🎍。”“I sat down with the other person and asked him to discuss his issues with me. I then gave my side of the story”“我和对方坐下来讨说完了😜-🤒🦢。


1. 自我介绍- Hello, my name is [名字]. I come from [国家/城市]. Nice to meet you.- Hi, I’m [名字]. I’m a student/teacher/worker. Nice to meet you.2. 询问对方是否会说英语- Do you speak English?- Can you speak English?3. 询问对方的职业/工作- What do you后面会介绍*🤓——_🐏。
Entertainment 1.Do you like watching TV program? Why?Yes,I like.I want to see the world.2.Can you recommend some TV programs worth watching?CCTV news 3.Do you think traveling is important in people’s life?Yes.4.What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?Watch TV 5.What后面会介绍🤡🌦|——🤨。
1.Do you like English?Why or why not? Yes🌻🐃-——🐼,I like English very much, because English is the the language of the world . Also I like USA movie very much. in order to see them, I would like to learn english well .2.Which do you find most difficult about learning 等会说🤪🦇|-⚾。
1.Do you wish the school authorities would help the students to establish more societies or clubs? Why or Why not?Answer:Yes, definitely. Having more clubs or societies not only could bring energy and enthusiam to schools, but also could change the diversity of classes, making 希望你能满意🌨🌈-_🦟。
英语口语试题 求答案 急啊 题有点多 能有几题都可以的 谢谢啊 不要用...
我简单的写一些🤢🦎-🦏,希望能激起你的灵感🎄🦙_⚡️。回答的时候注意尽量使用简单句和通俗易懂的单词🐀🦉|_*‍❄🐱。还有关联词很重要哦😩|-*🎨。记住不要死记硬背🐘🎴——😡,灵活些运用🥀🦗————🤨⛳。祝你好运哦下面是我的答案🎋_😮🐔,我的伙伴们会帮你补充的🏈🌗_🍃🐫。1. Oral english class is my first choice because we freshmen lack practicing our spoken english 到此结束了?🐸|_🎣。
英语六级考试口语经典问答题🐟——|🎽🦅:school life Unit3 school life 1. What do you like about your apartment / room?My dormitory room faces south and has a lot of sunshine in fine weather. It also has a very good view of the garden in front of the building and the mountains 到此结束了?*🪰-🐀。
商务英语口语与实训2023章节测试答案_商务英语口语与实训超星尔雅答案1.1Ticket reservation (机票预订)1🥉🦠-——☀️😚、【单选题】What class of ticket would you like🐱-🦋,__ class or business class? 那你需要定什么舱位的机票(经济舱还是商务舱)?A🏒_🌙🦖、economyB🐈|-🌸、economicC😮🎫_|🏵🏸、economicalD🕷🐩——☀️、economics我的答案🎊🐟_-✨🥀:A2🤤_🦠⛅️、..