



2024-07-11 21:03:18 来源:网络


英语情景口语交际对话一Steven goes into a video store to buy some records.史蒂文进入一家音像店🦅|-🎳,想买一些唱片🌾🐂-_🎖🦒。Assistant: Wele, sir, what can I do for you?店员🤓🌲|-😓:欢迎光临😼_😴🦅,先生🦋♟|——🐁🧩,请问您想要什么?Steven: I want to buy some records.史蒂文🦟_——🎐🐅:我想买些唱片🐥_|🦄。Assistant: Whose record do yo到此结束了?🦘🤩_🤥🦏。
英语口语情景对话一经典句型🐅——_🐜:The maple is the national tree of Canada,and also the symbol of Canadians. 枫树是加拿大的国树🐦🥍-_🎉,也是加拿大民族的象征🙊|🍁。A:Why do the Canadians choose the maple leaf to represent Canada?甲⚡️——😓:为什么加拿大人会选用枫叶来代表加拿大?B:The maple is the national tree等我继续说🌺——🐪🏒。


大学英语口语对话范文1 This Sunday Steven and his wife Julia come to the beauty parlor. While he is waiting for his wife, he is asked to experience a simple facial massage.这个星期天史蒂文和他的太太茱莉娅来到了美容院😖——🐔🔮。当他在等茱莉娅的时候🥋👹——-🎽🐏,他被邀请体验一下简单的面部按摩🦎_-⛈。Beaut等会说🌜*——🎉。
【篇一】拜访朋友的英语口语对话A🕹😓-🌈:Linda, it’s so at to see you again!琳达*🐹-|🖼,再次见到你真是太高兴了☺️-🐸*!B🐹😑_🎄🐀:Well, thanks for inviting me to lunch. I never seem to leave my house these days!谢谢你邀我吃午饭🧩_🦅。我这些天几乎没有出过门😬😸——-🌙!A🦩🐑——_😞:Come in, please. Make yourself at 到此结束了?⛳|✨。
小学英语口语情景对话一 Linda: Wow ! Look at that !琳达🙁_🧐: 哇🪁-|🦙!看那🙈♠——🥋☘️!Joy : That's Tower Bridge.乔伊🌹🐦-_🦝🪅: 这是塔桥😙|——🌻。Linda: It's marvelous. This is the first time I've seen the bridge.琳达🪆__🐏: 真了不起🦃🦎——|🐑!这是我第一次看到这座桥🙉|-😅。Joy: So, let me take a photo of you in front等我继续说♣😑_——😄🐷。
【篇二】关于常用英文情景口语对话汤姆🤑-😌🐌: Professor Lee, could I ask you some questions?李教授🙃|😖🌺,我能问你些问题吗?李教授🌨_-🌵*: Sure.当然🐗_——💐🦜。汤姆🐗🤐——|🤡🎋: What is the assignment?请问作业是什么?李教授🐵--🌗🎉: Oh, I have told you last week.哦🌲🐜||🥌🕷,我上个星期就告诉你们了啊😸🏒|_🕹🐔。汤姆🦟_——🌳: I am sorry, because I 等我继续说🐤————😄。
简单英语口语对话【1】Linda🎗-_🥉:Hello! Who is speaking?John🎀😤-_🐘😂:Hello! This is John. I want to speak to Linda🤡-_🦒。Linda🦝🪀_|🐺😦:This is her🦔_|🦕。John🦍🦛_🐤:Hi, Linda. I’m just calling to invite you to a dinner party tomorrow evening😊🦭_🎗。Linda🦈🙈-|🐖:Really? What time and where?John🐪🌒|🎁😔:7:30 pm, at 到此结束了?😥🧶————🥇😄。
高中英语口语对话范文1 Clerk: Can I help you find something?男🦇🌷|💐🎳:需要帮忙吗Alissa: Yes, I’m looking for some dress shoes for work, something with a low heel.女😻|🐾:是的🦠_——🐹,我想买双上班穿的较正式的鞋子🐬_☹️🤥,要低跟的Clerk: Have you tried this brand? They make really comforta还有呢?
求英语日常口语对话 10个??
1. -Hello, my name is Peter, nice to meet you -Hello, my name is Mike, nice to meet you too.2. - Where are you from?- I am from China, what about you?3. - How are you doing?- I am doing fine, thank you!4. - What are you doing Peter?- I am reading.5. 有帮助请点赞🐾🕷——-🎟🐊。
【大学英语口语对话范文】Steven's hair is long and needs to be cut short. This morning he goes to the barber's.史蒂文的头发长了😓——|🌗,需要剪短🌑——_🎋*。今天早上他去了理发店🌴🤪——-🐅🧐。Barber: Good morning. What can I do for you, sir?理发师🌸||🧿🐷:早上好*✨__🐘🐊。先生🥅🦅|🐪,我能为您做些什么呢?Steven: Good morning等会说🐒|_🎋🐝。.