



2024-07-20 20:17:44 来源:网络


任何题目都可以套的万能作文英语模板如下🌴-🌨🐯:(一)段首句1♥-|*🤑、关于XX人们有不同的观点🐥-|*🤣。一些人认为XX☘️☺️|🦒🐸。There are different opinions among people as to XX .Some people suggest that XX.2🌕🧧_😄🤤、俗话说(常言道)XX🌍-🐫,它是我们前辈的经历🌎|🦊,但是🪴🐪|🐷,即使在今天💮_🐨,它在许多场合仍然适用🐾🕷-_🦡。There is an old sayin还有呢?
1*——🐱*、关于……人们有不同的观点🦫——💥*。一些人认为……There are different opinions among people as to ___ ⭐️🦘|🐬🦌。Some people suggest that___😼🦚-_🐋。2🍀||😟🐍、俗话说(常言道)……🐸😁_😇,它是我们前辈的经历🦣_——🐦,但是🐍_🤯🦝,即使在今天🎭_|😭,它在许多场合仍然适用🐍|-🎉。There is an old saying___😜🐔——🪄。Its the experience of our forefathers等我继续说😜🏉——⭐️🐒。


1. 关于……人们有不同的观点🌩——|⚡️。一些人认为……There are different opinions among people as to ___ 🥋|——🦋🏈。Some people suggest that ___💀🙀|-🦅⛅️。2. 俗话说(常言道)……🌘🐷——🥋🎨,它是我们前辈的经历😐|🌺🦧,但是🐞|🎰🤖,即使在今天🪲_——🌗,它在许多场合仍然适用*|🐬。There is an old saying___🌾🐷——_🎊*。Its the experience of our forefathe等我继续说💮😼-🎭。
1🎃|😐🛷、Today was Sunday and I was very happy!In the morning🧩_——🤤,I stayed at home to do my homework and watch TV.In the afternoon🌧|🦫🕸,I went to a park with my best friends.There were many flowers🐉|🦜🐄,and some birds were singing songs.We played games and talked about our dreams.At last有帮助请点赞🦀-🌷。
作文常见的开头形式大致有以下几种🌍😙-🐣:1🦠😪-🐽、开门见山🐟——-🎆,揭示主题文章一开头就交待清楚文章的主题是什么😆😵|🦣。如"How I Spent My Vacation"(我怎样度假)的.开头是🎨——|😪🌟:I spent my last vacation happily.下面是题为"Honesty"(谈诚实)一文中的开头😦🎿|🦥:Honesty is one of the best virtues. An honest man is 有帮助请点赞🐏_-🐜🤑。
…如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头还以这样写🤯🤪-_🐃🐣:I will never forget my first trip to Huangshan.或It was really an unforgettable experience I had.3*-🦉🦜、疑问性开头在叙事类或论述性的文章中🐺🌍_🐯,都可采用疑问型开头🤭——🛷,这样既可以吸引阅卷者的注意又容易抓住中心🦅__🎐。如“Planting Trees(种树)后面会介绍🎄🎾-😭🐯。
万能开头语句🤯——_😅*:1🤫🎽——_🐣🎭、As far as I am concerned, I completely agree with the former/ the latter.就我而言🎇🐵--🎱🐨,我完全同意前者/后者🪲🏸——_🌈。2🎲😳-——🎖、Before giving my opinion, I think it is essential to look at the argument of both sides.在给出我的观点之前🦆||🌷,我想有必要看看双方的论据🌓🌴——😮。3🎍--🤨👿、There are 后面会介绍😩_🦟🥈。
英语作文开头常见类型 1.交待写作目的的开头🏏_🥉。在文章的一开头就交待写作目的🏓🎗--🐋🤒,如通过文章要表扬谁😐_-🐃♣,批评谁🎳_🐳,或说明一个什么问题等🌺🙉-🦂🐫。如“Pollution Control”(控制污染)的开头🌩——|🪲😛:In this article I shall draw your attention to the subject of pollution control.2.交代人物🐳_🦜🌞、事情🌻🤬_🐽😅、时间或环境开头在到此结束了?😽🐝_🐕‍🦺。
you do have to use, such as PubMed, the civil service exam and so on; usually play computer games don't play the game to learn computer knowledge.3😬🎑-⚡️、英语和计算机🎿🦜-🎋😈。记住学好这两门**_-😐🦁。不管你以后考什么都要用🌒_|🦊🐋,比如考研*——🐟、考公务员等等😽|🐃🤤;平时玩电脑不要只顾玩游戏多学点计算机方面的知识🦓🌳-🐡。
1**——🥊🐆、It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)..As far as my knowledge is concerned, …(就我所知…)2🐙--🥅、Recently the problem of……has been brought into focus. Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引起了关注)3🐜🦗_|🌹🌝、Nowadays(overpopulation)has是什么🐡🪱-|🐩。