



2024-07-11 14:01:31 来源:网络


如果所填动词是谓语动词🦏😔——|🕷,应先根据主语和谓语动词之间的主*🏸——_😡、被动关系*_-🪢,确定动词的语态⛈_——🦃。需要注意不及物动词没有被动语态🎐_🌚⚡️。大家看下面这道中考题🤯——_🪆🪰:(2018江苏中考)53. Stephen Hawking ___ (consider) to be ‘the greatest scientist in history’ along with Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.解析😂🐽_|🤢🌒:..


中考英语阅读的四种题型都是什么?主旨 推断。。 还有什么题型??
典型例题🦊😏——😤: 如🥇|🎯:2005年北京市海淀区中考试题阅读理解C篇第一题☹️🌵——🐊🌝:The underlined word enhance can be replaced by ___. A. impress B. improve C. provide D. produce 由上句improve一词可猜出enhance也是“提高”之意🐫-🌛, 又如🐹🍂-🦈:2003北京市西城区中考试卷阅读理解D篇第二题🦁_——🐪: “Flattened wheat”means ___ 说完了🐦🌱__🤑🐾。
翻译🦡🐕‍🦺-——🐲:他们并没有像那样去准备演讲比赛😜☘-🌔,但是它结果(居然)很不错🧩*_|🌹🐗。解释😢-🌵:D work out 结果/进展A.kept后面会介绍😗🥌-🐌。out 使后面会介绍🤖——🪀。不进入/在外B.gave out 分发/发出/公告/用尽C.left out 省略/删除/遗漏2. D 翻译😀_——🦈😚:-你房子值多少钱?-300000元🎿🐁|🐄。解释👹🐁_——🏉:cost/take/pay不管怎么用(主语为人/物🎋_🤒,花费后面会介绍🌕🦒——🐔。
1.Linda tried to become an excellent teacher ,___ at last she succeeded A.so B.or C.but D.and 答案选D🐔__😭🦉。and 表示承接的关系🤑——🌼,“琳达努力成为一个优秀的教师😽|-😒,而且她最终成功了😋|-🤠🐂。”so表因果😆__💥😘,or 意思是“否则”but 表转折2.Now many parents send their children to foreign 好了吧🎴|😞*!
中考真题精练100题1. Jenny likes to play___ guitar, but she doesn’t like ___ thrillers.A. a; an B. a; the C. the; a D. the; 不填2. —Why do you turn down the radio? —I’m ___ waking the baby.A. afraid of B. busy with C. careful fo还有呢?
30道英语中考以词的适当形式填空 30道根据汉语写单词??
2. I’m considering___(change) a new job. I will leave my new address in a few days.3. It’s an ___(education) experience for children to watch this movie.4. There were 12 people ___(kill) in the accident, ___(include) two babies.5. The beach is famous, ___到此结束了?👹_——😏。
3. 考查同学们综合运用英语知识的水平和实践能力👹🐩-🦬。一🎁_🐀、完形填空题的命题特点完形填空题是通过阅读考查学生语言知识及语言知识综合运用能力的一种测试形式🐾|-🐯。命题人在一段难度适度的文章中留出10个空白🐤🐱——|😽😖,要求考生从所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案🦓_🪲🦆,使补足的短文意思通顺🐕__🐾🥀、结构完整🎄——🐩🐄。完形填空是介于好了吧🦩🥏————*🦊!
例如🐳🐆_|🍄🐓:1.He lost the key to his bike on his way to the lecture.(划线提问)What did he lose on his way to the lecture.(2004年中考题)注🤣-🌻🦭:原句中lost是过去时🕹——🌈🎈,所以应用过去时提问😡_-😴🦫。2.The students’projects will be on show in three days.(划线提问)注🌷🐳——-🦝:in+一段时间表示从现在后面会介绍🐓🧶-😰🦡。
2009年中考英语冲刺复习🤥|🌓:易错题汇编及分析 一🔮|_🐌、名词🌦-——🌞、冠词1.--What can I do for you? --I’d like two ___. A. box of apple B. boxes of apples C. box of apples D. boxes of apple 答案🙁🐝——🦧: B. (选择其它三项的同学要注意仔细看题.不要马虎*☘|-😏, 这里box 和apple都是可数名词) 2.Help yourse好了吧🐔🕷_——🥇!