



2024-07-20 08:24:05 来源:网络


一🤮——😴🦚、🖼🐾——|🕹、同学们不会写的单词用同义词替换或短语翻译(英英解释)😼||🦖。例如🎉😙-🙃,长江这道翻译中“灌溉”(irrigate)这个词不会🐾——🪢🐄,可以用近义词water(使湿)来替代🥉🐤_🦙🦗;匿名(anonymity)这个单词不会🦠🐃——🐟🐕,就可以用英语翻译一下😜-🦩,用an unknown name代替🦛_——🤓。2🤤|🍃、进行词义的选择1🐱😄————🎍、英汉两种语言都有一词多类😌-_🤮🦛、一词多义的现象🤣-🦉。一好了吧🙃__🦙🎋!
英文翻译题【英语】英语翻译练习题20篇 一*_🐋🎳、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题🐕‍🦺_🐁🕷:Translation: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.究竟是什么激发小王学习电子工程的积极性?motivate) 2.网上支付方便了客户🌺-🧩,但是牺牲了他们的隐私⭐️🤯_|🐇。at the到此结束了?🐀-😪。


第一组1 Your health is more important than anything else.2 As bad ashisFrench andEnglish.3 YounowthanwhenIlast sawyou,a little fat.4 Beijing Road,saidthestreetsofGuangzhou,the mostcomplex.5 Sincetherailwayisrepaired,thepace of developmentinthis townfaster than ever.第二组1 Mya是什么😷🌲——🐼。
12.歌手们来自全国各地🥋__😧🏅,年龄各异🦝😹——_😒🌿。Singers are at different ages from all over the country.13.许多中国人试图用不同的方式提高他们的英语🎑🎯_|😖。Many Chinese tried to improve their English by using different ways.14.这些演员在舞台上显得轻松自如*🐕‍🦺————🎣。These actors appear relaxed and freely on the 到此结束了?🤤-_🦜。
[参考译文]如果生产工人不能有效地完成有关的生产过程🙀-*,那么🏅😴_🐸,与这些过程相关的管理和专业职位亦将不复存在🍃🦗——_😊😤。23. The biographer has to dance between two shaky positions with respect to the subject.全句的字面意思是🐓😅||🤤🧶:传记作家不得不在与传主所处的摇摆不定位置之间跳来跳致病去🍄🐵——🤖🙉。隐含之义为🐑————🦆:传记作家必须等我继续说🧸🐹————🦏🐵。
1. I’m writing to tell you…我正写信告诉你2. I write this letter to apply for the position…我写这份信申请这个职位3. I am writing to express my disappointment / concern regarding …我正写信表达我对🎁🌴————😼🌞。🦂🐔————🏅。的失望/忧虑4. I’m writing to draw your attention to a common 好了吧🏅🐰_😟😧!
是的🦜-|🤮🐨。我先拿到了英语文学的学士学位🐯||🐓,然后取得了MBA学位I: Where did you receive your MBA degree?你在哪里读的MBA?A :From Jiaotong University..交通大学⛸||😅😫。I: What course did you like best?你最喜欢什么课程?A: Project Management. I was very interested in this course when I was a还有呢?
very embarrassed.6.玛丽想学日语🙈||🌹,并希望能很快学会⚡️|_🍂🐜,但不久就发现日语太难了🦕__🍁🐓,短期内她无法学会🦇🦔_😱。Mary wanted to learn Japanese and hoped to manage it in a short time. Soon she found that Japanese is too difficult to learn that she cannot manage it in a short term.纯手工翻译是什么🐗🦖_|♣。
1. 1 🎨|_💥🐒。to hold unto the said Transferee his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, subject to the several conditions upon which wo hold the same at the time of execution hereof.你们的举行表示受让他遗嘱执行人😓||🏑,遗产管理人或代理人🐡|_🦙,但须符合若干条件赖以禾持相同的时候🤥😯|——☁️☺️,执行的信息🐱_🌨🍁。