



2024-07-22 12:35:17 来源:网络


1🐑|-🥏🏏、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言🐸🐫_😔,你是一个人*🐩_——🤿;但是对于某个人🐼_|🦠,你是他的整个世界🥌*——🪅*。2🥊🌸|🦏、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.没有人值得你流泪🐒——-👿🍀,值得让你这么做的人不会让你是什么🥈🎮__😋。


1.Children are usually compared to flowers of the country.孩子们经常被比作祖国的花朵.2. Such a situation esecially calls for calm and patience.这种情况下特别要求(我们)头脑冷静♣——-🌼🌖,有耐心.3. As we all know, it is easier to get into a bad habit than to give it up.众所周知🦤*————🦮,恶还有呢?
1♠🌒|🦌、Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获😻*_🤬。2🌻——🐘、Remind yourself that it’s okay not to be perfect.提醒自己🐪——*🏒,有缺点没什么大不了的🎮——🦅。3🦥_——🙈、You’ve got to put the past behind you before you can move on.在重新开始之前🥈🌏_🐳🌲,还是先把过去放下吧🍁-_🐂。4♦🤑_🎇🐫、..
He is so hungry that he can eat up all the food on the table.2.这些房子太贵了😮😱-🌟,没有多少人能买得起These houses are so expensive that no one can afford.3.他今天早上起的很早🦎🃏-🕸🎫,以便能第一个去看大夫He got up so early that he can be the first one to see the doctor 好了吧🌙🕊_-🌛!
1.那有个人总是看着女孩子(翻译过来能形容他好色就行)That man is always staring at beautiful girls.2.我立誓要报仇(或我想报仇雪恨🤓||🎀,最好是前边的)I swear I will revenge!3.你骗我You've cheated me!4.我要和你决斗I will duel with you.5.杀了你Kill you 5打打打🎀🪄——😴!杀杀杀🐾😈_|🏑🏒!..
01.I am carrying the rain on the mountain, the past is, the future is, I am the arms of the people with dark clouds, the past is, the future is.翻译🦔_🌿:我是背着雨水上山的人😪——🌓🐟,过去是🌒-🦔😄,未来也是😇🤨-_🐷,我是怀里息着乌云的人🦫|🎄,过去是😘_🐋,未来也是🎟🥏-🌥🦎。02.Drunk only know wine thick, love 等会说😁-|🎱🦭。
1.刚刚退休不久😑🐦||*,一个人在家After just retiring, one is at home 2.生活单调🐨🐼|*,业余生活贫乏Life dullness, amateurish life is poor 3.每天只是买菜做饭看电视Just buy vegetables and cook and watch TV every day 4.我认为你应该多出去走走😃🎐-🐗🤓,并吃些有营养的健康食品I think you should go希望你能满意🕷_🌱🐽。
1🙃|🌹🥏,We (apologize) for any inconvenience caused by the train's delay.我们为火车晚点给您带来的不便感到(抱歉)🌵🔮-🐱🦆。2,I was really (sorry) when I knocked a cup of tea over him.当我把一杯茶打翻在他身上时🐱*-——♥,我真的很(抱歉)🎯--*🌜。3,I (in form) my boss of my arrival in Tokyo.我把等会说🌼🐸_|🐤。