



2024-07-20 07:26:37 来源:网络


1🌵||🦥。我认为你应该提高你写作业的速度🌦😌——🐺,当然还要保证质量😁|-🦧🎮。我认为上课认真听讲也可以提高你写作业的速度🎍——🎄。I think u should increase the efficiency when doing ur homework, but make sure of its high quality, of course. Being attentive in class is also a effective way to achieve that goal.2等会说🎑|🏈。
1.He brougt out a map from his bag.2.Please do as what I told you.3.Speaking plays an important role in English study.4.Now that everyone is here,let begin our meeting.5.It's a bad habit to tell a lie.6.下个月将要建一栋新大楼🦝🐕——🦕🏉。7.汤姆每个月都把他的零花钱存入他的是什么🦒——😄😸。


1✨-_🦩、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言🦆-🦕🐖,你是一个人🤠🍀|🌙🧐;但是对于某个人🦆_🎨,你是他的整个世界🦤😂|🦩😺。2🧩——😈、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.没有人值得你流泪🪅————😰,值得让你这么做的人不会让你后面会介绍🏑|🐊。
1.对我而言🍀_|🦩,这本字典太贵了🌦——🍁🦎,我买不起🐯|-🪀。For me, this dictionary is too expensive, I can not afford it.This dictionary is too expensive for me, I can not afford it 2.他们每人有一本新字典Each of them has a new dictionary.3.让他替我做这个吧Please let him do this for m等我继续说🐐🦌_——🌩。
1.看😠|_🧨,公共汽车来了♟——_👿👽!Look🧧🌧——-🖼,here comes the bus 2.这周六😮♣|🥊😑,他要开个生日聚会🦂🌳——_🕷🥏。He is going to have a birthday this Saturday 3.他将和他的老师在五一劳动节去这个公园*-🧶。He is going to the park with his teacher on May Day 4.请把这张书桌带到你的教室去🏐——-🦚。Please take this desk to yo后面会介绍🕊_|🤤🦥。
1.The trees spread their branches over the house.大树把树枝都伸到屋子上方了✨*-🐬🦁。2.Did you spread butter on the bread?你有在面包上涂奶油吗?3.The disease spread over the whole country.疾病传遍到整个国家🌖🐫_😷。4.The rumor quickly spread through the village.谣言传遍整个村落✨||🦋。1.Very soon 是什么🐸🌸_🎇。
英语句子及翻译如下🎑🐞_⛸:1.The more that you read,the more things you will know.The more that you learn,the more places you'll go.读得越多🐭-——🌺,你会知道的事情就越多🦅🐭|⭐️🦓。学得越多🦉😮——_😉,你会去的地方就越多🕸🦂_♣。2.A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.The man who never reads lives 等会说😫🐤————🐔😔。
如下🦈☘️_——🐟🦂:(一)句子1. 会议可能下星期举行🎈💐————😑🐼。2. 据说吸菸可能引起心脏病和其他的疾病😩--😒👺。3. 更有可能喜欢流行歌曲的是年轻人而不是老年人🐼*|🌥。rather than 4. 她开启电视机*——-🍁🏐,但没有发现任何可能使她感兴趣的🌳-|🌥。5. 有可能这个新建的语音室不久将向全体师生开放🌙-🦘🏈。be open to 翻译1. The meeting is 还有呢?
1.足球让我充满激情Football makes me be full of passion.2.我喜欢所有的大学I like all the universities.3.我的家庭是一个充满爱和笑的三口之家😍🌼-🌈*,每天都会发生有趣的事🦥🧿——🧸🦠,我爱我的家.My family is a three-person with fullness of love and laugh. It has interesting things everyday. 希望你能满意🐥🦒-_🦙🐨。
1😺-——🕸、同这个案件相比🤗🌩--⛅️♟,最近几个月的盗窃事件不值得一提*——|🦈。The thefts in recent month paled compared with this case.2🦗🦩-|🏆、那次交通事故虽然已经过去了好几年🌨-🪁,但他还是摆脱不了负疚感😡_——⛸。He still can not shake away the guilty feeling even many years have passed since the traffic accident.3.尽管到此结束了?🌘_——🦓。