



2024-07-25 22:18:55 来源:网络


"I wandered lonely as a cloud"(我像一朵孤独的云漫步)这是英国诗人威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)的诗句🍂🦔——🪱🐂,表达了作者在自然中感受到的孤独和自由💥*————😠🐿。这句话的意境非常美丽🎉🐦|🦮🏓,让人感受到了大自然的无限魅力🦇-|🎃。quot;To be, or not to be: that is the question"(生存还是毁灭🐘_-🃏,这是一个问题)这后面会介绍🐣-——🐊。
英文翻译古诗词摘抄李煜《捣练子·深院》深院静🐆||🐔☁️,小庭空🐺🏐——🕸,断续寒砧断续风😉🎽-——🦨🌼。无奈夜长人不寐😭🎭——😦,数声和月到帘栊🐆|🐄。To "Pounding Silk Floss"Li Yu The deep hall is silent,The little courtyard is deserted.Off and on go the taps on the cold slaps;off and on goes the wind.Unendurable is 到此结束了?🏆|——😫。


适合摘抄背诵的优美英文段落如下🦉🦀|-😁:1🐄🐂——☁️🐖、Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money,it lies in the joy of achievement,in the thrill of creative efforts,the joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits.These dark days,my f有帮助请点赞🌼*————⛳😚。
All that I gave was likely to consider as negligible.---我所有的付出竟然从未打动你*🌼|😙🐰。Man always remember love because of romance over.---男人只因浪漫而记得爱情🦜-|🦁。(注🐌|😌⛈:Marlboro万宝路)Warmness is luxury-which is reflected by deep cold and hurt.---温暖是奢侈的东西🧩😙——🎿,奢侈到需要用很后面会介绍🌺|🦨😍。
英文情话短句 1😅——🦜*、Love never dies. 爱情永不死🐱😌|_🤥。2♦*|——🐱、No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my ans heart. 在这个世界上🐏🥉——🤒,男人最珍贵的财产就是一个女人的心🐫☘_|*。24🏑-_🦩🐑、One into, but harder to get out of. 爱很难投入🙊♥——🌿🦮,但一旦投入🎭|🦑😴,便更难走出🕸|-🦌。27🪴|——🦨、Lo有帮助请点赞🌿|🦗🐯。
1. New Horizons Awaits—As we embrace each year, let's shed old skins and discover new horizons.2. Reflections and Aspirations—Gaze into the past, yet dare to venture into the vast expanse of the future.3. Nurturing Self-Love—Indulge in the art of self-care, for it's 等我继续说🐕‍🦺——_😡。
经典英文诗句摘抄 黑夜的知己Acquainted with the night 黑夜的知己I have been one acquainted with the night.I have walked out in rain --and back in rain.I have outwalked the furthest city light.I have looked down the saddest city lane.I have passed by the watchman on his 好了吧😳——🏉!
唯美英文句子摘抄 1🦕🪄_🀄😋、Dont try to hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.不要着急🦖🌟-——🎰,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现🎖😱————😣。2☘️-_🦍🌼、From another Angle to think, your world will become more beautiful.换个角度去思考问题🦒🏑-🌖,你的世界会变得更美🦄*_⛳。3🦇🌛-|😼🌝、youll connect with. Later 有帮助请点赞🪀_🐄🐸。
1. Time can heal a broken heart, but time can also break a waiting heart. ——时间可以愈合一颗破碎的心😅🤤-_🤥,也会伤害一颗等待的心😒😥-*。2. 不怕别人看不起☺️🐥-🐖,就怕自己不努力😲_🌷🐍。3. Life is sad at times, but it is up to you to make your own life happy.4. Life is a do it yourself 有帮助请点赞*_——♣🌵。
【篇一】经典的英文名言名句摘抄 1😉🌍_😌、年轻人用生命换一切🕸————🧿🌜,而老年人用一切换生命✨🍀-🐆。Young people with life in everything, and the elderly with everything in life. 2👿|_🏸🦊、只有一颗会感恩的心🐣|🤤🔮,才能体会到幸福的滋味🐼🦜_-🙄♥。Only a thankful heart, to experience the taste of happiness. 3🙂👿-|🥈🎮、人不能像走兽那样活着🦗🐷_🐬,说完了🌿-|💮。