



2024-07-17 01:57:52 来源:网络


求科技发展的好处 英文分点回答,谢谢??
2🐋——_🦀、secondly,technology can help a company of intelligent management,while enabling the production automation, this will greatly improve their work efficiency, and then create more value and wealth for the community.there's no way to develope longer for those company who is not using 希望你能满意🌎|🐋。


英语辩论赛:科技发展的利与弊~ 我是反方,请问怎么辨好?(英文版哟)谢 ...
1) weapons of mass destruction: nuclear weapons 2) pollutions and drastic climate change: global warming 3) ecological imbalance: extinction of many species 4) depletion of natural resources: fossil fuels 4) decreased personal productivity = more outlets for procrastination: phones, text 说完了😱🪁-🦆🐦。
The diffusion of clean technologies has always been seen as a way to solve the environmental problems we face in a globalised age. According to a report by the Club of Madrid and the UN Foundation, a fund of US billion for technology transfer from developed to developing natio等会说🧸-😨😏。
the impact on human society's development arising from technological development
With the development of science and technology, the earth we are living is getting smaller and smaller, and is more like a village.
and they could be turned on and off individually, while Swan's bulbs could be used only in a system where several lights were turned on or off at the same time. Edison followed up his improvement of the light bulb with the development of electrical generating systems. Within 30后面会介绍🐫🐾_♣。
With the development of science and technology, we have better means of communication 随着科技的发展🐒🐖-⚾,我们有了更好的沟通方式🦓_——🐤🪁,
英文作文 随着科技的发展 未来的学生是否还会背负着沉重的书包去上学...
s to cater for different tastes or needs of people, for the benefit of the present and future generations.There are bounteous museums all over the world. The British Museum, which is maybe the largest one in the world, provides visitors with all-round knowledge about the world 到此结束了?🐙——_🥊🥏。
2:物种灭绝加快.这是由环境污染和人类的捕杀所造成的.也属于科技发展的坏处. 3:人身安全越来越没保障.现在平均每天都有数以万计的犯罪行为发生.而其犯罪手段大多都与当下时新科技相关.尤其是枪械犯罪🐽🎲————🦡,更是让普通人民防不胜防.而从第二次世界大战我们已经可以看出👻_🌍,随着科技的发展🦌🧨_-🦊,现在的战争所造成的破坏与损失以好了吧😀_——🦉!