



2024-07-16 06:53:03 来源:网络


Coz' it's long history and abundant culture. The nation is very indomitable. 这个要说有很多可以说诶🐰|——🐡🌩,从文化😞🌦——🀄、历史😖|_🐰、地理🦜*_*🐼,人文几个方面入手🐝——-🤿,
W3: I never have to pay for anything. Everywhere I go, I can stay and eat for free. You know why, because they want to learn English!我走到哪儿都不用花钱🐪|🧩🎗,白吃白住🎋_——🏵。你知道为什么吗💐__🐂,他们都想跟我学英语🦕🦧_☘️!09. C: What do you dislike most about China?对于中国🦕|-🦢,你最不喜欢的好了吧🤡_🎋!


英语I like China, because China has long history.我喜欢中国🪰-|🐼,因为中国有悠久的历史🎖🦡-😕🐹,
—— I love you China I love my country.Our motherland--China is a country standing in the east of the world.She is beautiful and lovely.She is one of the largest and the greatest countries in the world.She has the Great Wall*|_😻,the Yellow River🤡|-🦈🙃,Tian'anmen Square and many希望你能满意🤔🌵_——🦐🐝。
美丽的海洋♦🐆|🐅😡,需要我们共同守护🌏————🪀。We need to work together to protect the marine environment on which we live 保护我们赖以生存的海洋环境🐪🐂-😶,需要我们一起努力Life starts from the ocean, and treating the ocean well starts from you and me.生命从海洋开始☄️_-🌟,善待海洋从你我开始🐡🌵-🌹🌪。Cherish marine 到此结束了?😗🌲-🪳🦀。
Originally built in 652 during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), it functioned to collect Buddhist materials that were taken from India by the hierarch Xuanzang.Xuanzang started off from Chang'an (the ancient Xian), along the Silk Road and through deserts等我继续说🦅——🀄。
范文♠🐱-|🦃*:I love China 我爱中国🌚-🐌🌨。China is a beautiful country It is also an ancient country with long history I was born in this beautiful and big country 中国是一个美丽的国家🍃🎾_-🦋♟。它也是一个历史悠久的古老国家🐏||🦕。我出生在这个美丽的大国家🐩😽|🦛😐。The development of this country makes me live a 后面会介绍💥_|🦡🦗。
中国是一个很大很美丽的国家*——🐩🌵,也是一个历史悠久的国家🍀|🎃🦈。Beijing is the capital of China .Beijing is the very beautiful city ,and it is in the north .There are lots of people live in Beijing.My cousins live in Beijing ,too .北京是中国的首都🥏🌿_——🦄,那是一个非常美丽的城市😾-🐗🦃,它在中国的还有呢?
中国是一个拥有丰富文化遗产和独特特色的国家😔🌼_🏉,吸引了来自世界各地的人们的关注💥——🤬🦁。作为生活在中国的外国人🦈*-🌳,我有机会亲身体验到其中一些令人惊叹的方面🌔_——😔。One of the most notable features of China is its food culture. Chinese cuisine is renowned for its diverse flavors and cooking techniques. From 有帮助请点赞😰🦐-🌾🐦。