



2024-07-23 08:31:41 来源:网络


1.I look like a house ,but my body is covered by black and white stripes.2.I can run very quickly. I have antlers(鹿角)on my head.3.I am an animal kept by farmers to produce milk.4.I am not a fish but look like a large fish and live in the sea.I am a warm还有呢?
1.I have a lovely dog. Its name is YoYo. I like it very much. It has two big ears, two big and bright eyes. Its hair is brown. It has come to my home for a year. It has become a part of my family. It has its own house, but it likes to sleep under my bed,好了吧😐🌾|🐨!


1.丹顶鹤是非常漂亮的动物🐽_😗,大概1.2米高🧩——😕。2.白色羽毛🌝——_🧨😯,红色的冠🌩🐆——🐒🦋,细长的脖子和腿🐕‍🦺🐪_——♦。3.喜欢群居🐝🎊——_⛅️🕹,吃鱼🌏——_🐦、昆虫和水生植物🤤|🐝🦂。4.但水污染严重🐇😉——-😗🌦,将没有食物吃🦊😲——_🐯🤒,没有地方生存🕷————🌩。5.必须采取措施保护这些稀罕动物🌾🦣|🌔。I’d like to introduce something about red-crowned cranes to you. They are very beau到此结束了?😄|🐗🤥。
英语作文描写动物的例句 1.I have a dog. He is my favorite pet. He is very lovely. His name is Peter and he is two years old. His fur is long and white. He has big black eyes. His nose is very good. He can smell very well. He is quite small. He weighs about 到此结束了?😘😀_🦈。
我最喜欢的动物是小狗*🤒————🐔😰。因为它很可爱🎋*——🌘。和狗是友好的人🎮😌-|♠,他们是人们的好朋友♠__🦀🐏。当你的女儿🌳_🤔🤔,他们可以拯救你*🐐|😈😒。他们可以听到人们无法听到的事情🐍🤯-🦎。这是非常有用的🦊🐹|-🦝,不是吗?狗很忠诚的人🥉🧿|😮🌲。你同意我吗?篇三😑🌷——🐫:狗1.I like animals very much. I have a dog, It’s my favourite animal. It’s white, 后面会介绍🍃_——🧨🐒。
and power willforever be useful to man.大象大象是陆地上最大的动物*|🌱。它生下来体重约90公斤😚-🐄🧩,身高约1米🐋🐸-😂。到12岁时☁️🕊--👺,象就不再长了🪁||🦃,身高3米多😠*-——🤐🎋。大象通常是灰色的*😃_|🐰,有长鼻子🌳🦎——😕,大大的象牙从嘴的两侧伸出🏵🦥__🐚。大象通常喜欢集体行动😧-_🐤,彼此之间相互照顾🌸🦝_-🐾🥀。众所周知大象是性情温和的动物🐤————🌦。很多年来*——🐊🎯,人们利用希望你能满意🍀😞——🏓🏑。
Elephant is the largest animal on land today.大象是陆地上最大的动物🏉🥍_🦂🍀。
老虎生活在密林里😰🌖————🐗🌵,以森林中妁小动物为食.在过去妁几年中🕸——😃,许多森林被砍伐🤿🥅|*,这使者虎的生存环境越来越糟.现在世界上老虎的数量非常少.老虎是世界性妁动物🐺|😯🦍,它们应该有自己的生存空间.我们必须尽全力保护老虎和它们的生存环境😆🎄——😭🐃。有关介绍动物的英语小短文篇三 Recently, three owls appeared suddenly on ou说完了🐞😣-——😰🤡。
1.My favorite animal is a cat.I have a cat in my family.Her name is Mimi, I think she is from China.She is two years old now.She likes to eat fish every day.She is kind of lazy, but she is very cute.I like playing with it after school.(描述猫的)2.Many people 等会说😕-——🐖。
大象是一种体型很大哺乳动物😔-_🌜,它属于群居动物🐅-——🌲🐺,它的鼻子🪀🐏|——🪴🀄、象牙都是具有自卫能力的😔🐹-|*🌚,以下是大象的英语介绍🍃-🦠🌖:1🐙🦩_💫、Elephants are the biggest animals on the land.They are big and srong.大象是陆地上最大的动物🦂-🦔。他们是大的和强壮的🍀-|🌗。2🦫🦥_🍃、They have big ears and trunks.They can walk quietly and 希望你能满意😨😳-_🥀。