



2024-07-19 21:28:36 来源:网络


1*🪄-|🤢、This sentence fell from that textbook.这话是从那本教科书中摘录下来的🦜_|🎱。2🎀🌾_——🐼🐆、Long passages in this textbook have been lifted from other authors.此教科书中有几大段是剽窃其他作者的🐀🌎——🐹。3🐊——-👺、Some boys nickered when he complained his textbook had disappeared.当他抱怨找不到他的教科书时🌈__🪶,有还有呢?
课本用英语怎么说造句1🌴-|🌹🐨、我将课本还给他了🏑🐝-🦄。I gave the textbook back to him 2🍀-🕊🌧、我不知把英语课本丢在哪儿了🧸🌳——_🐹*。I mislaid my English textbook.3🌓🐵-😯🌺、学生被问到有关他们所学课本内容的问题😽🐾——-🐝。The students were questioned on the books they had been studying.4🐙🦀_——🌏🏈、赶时髦的教师正在剥夺孩子学习经典课到此结束了?🧧_——🦆🤕。


课本的英语是textbook🐡🦟_*🐒,造句如下🐪🪱|-🤢:This textbook has twenty lessons.这课本有二十课*-😿。There is a glossary at the end of the textbook.这本教科书后面有词汇表🐂|_🎋*。textbook 扩展词汇英['tekstbʊk] 美['tekstbʊk]n. 课本🐯🦬_🧶😃;教科书近义词☄️————🦅:schoolbook 英['skuːlbʊk]说完了🦗|😺😒。
Where is your textbook?
造句如下⚾_🥏:1.The compilers agreed upon a division of the textbook into twelve units编写者都同意把教科书分成十二个单元🦚_🌳🐵。2.It can also be used as a textbook for a course on polymeric foams.它也可以用来作为对聚合物泡沫课程的教科书👽🤿__🦗🤖。3.SQUINT hard, and textbook publishers can look a 好了吧🧩🐄——🐌!
The trouble is that China often uses a different textbook.问题在于*——🌦🦬,中国往往使用一种不同的教科书🤮🤬_🎲。I know conversation on Japanese.我会一些日语日常会话⛅️|_😕。Read the words aloud 大声朗读这些词One of the major skills is mastery of pronunciation.口译的主要技能之一就是要掌握好发音😛——|🐳。
莫言的小说很畅销Mo yan's novels sell well. (或very popular)花需要浇水了The flowers need watering (或to be watered).不应该允许孩子一个人在湖里游泳A child should not be allowed to swim alone in the lake.这本书可以借多久How long can I borrow this book for?白天看不见等会说🦠🐷-_*。
We are going to read the first textbook.我们打算读第一课*————🌵🐑。
take out put on怎样造句???
Please take out your textbook .请拿出课本来🐂_-🥎。Put on your coat ,Li Ming ,it is cold outside .李明🪀🐊-_🥋,穿上你的外套🌻|——🦏🦧。外面冷🍂_🪳🎄。
我用下面的第二本书作为我一年两次的软件工程课程的教科书🤔|😤😠。I use the second as the textbook for my software engineering course that I teach twice a year.