



2024-07-19 01:27:28 来源:网络


1🦛——-🎈、Her claims seem credible to many.她的说法似乎在许多人看来是可信的🎊🐊_🎖😘。2*|😔🍀、My glasses seem to have vanished.我的眼镜似乎不翼而飞了🐷-🥊🌷。3💐-——🙈🕸、You seem in fine fettle.你看起来状态很好🐘😁-💀。短语🦒😞——|🐹:seem like 好像; 似乎像Makes today seem rather sad 今天似乎更加悲伤; 使今天更加伤感; 让今到此结束了?🐋🌕|_🌓。
it seems that he will come 他似乎要来😪🦏-——🕷,


1.Investors seem happy to stump up.投资者似乎乐意掏这笔钱🐡🙉——🌴🐔。 2.His books and campaign speeches seem closer to the redistribution market liberal position.他的著作和竞选演说似乎更接近再分配市场自由主义的立场🦚🦀————🐊。
He cannot seem to do any of these things. 他似乎做不了任何一件其中的事🌥🙂-🤯🤩。seem to be:The old man seems to be asleep. 那老人看起来像是睡着了🌻_🐿。seem + 名词🍀🦍-🌏:Pigeons seem such an unnecessary bird now. 鸽子现在看起来有点多余了🕊🦗|🎎。seem + 介词🐽🌎-——🌦🐺:He seems in high spirit. 他看起来精神有帮助请点赞🎁🤧|-🦛🦟。
He seems to know everything.他似乎什么都懂🤿——🌵🪶。The children seem unaffected emotionally by their parent's divorce.孩子在情绪上似乎未受到父母离婚的影响🐒🎳——🙈。I'm sorry, I seem to have mislaid my ticket.对不起😘_🐿🦎,我的车票好像弄丢了🐏——🌳🦛。
1 you seem to do more environment than characters design, why?看你的场景设计多余人设🦥🌥_🌚。为什么?But taking vacations seriously is exactly what we Americans seem to do.但认真度假刚好是我们每个人似乎要做的事情💥_🐄🌲。You hope your painting looks like the subject, and mine seem to do that.你等我继续说🌪🐤|-🌵🦘。
seem like造句10句??
1.Thus reduced to its essentials, what chinese want might seem like an exercise inhigh-concept ethnic stereotyping.如此看来🐷|——🦖,《中国人要什么》的核心内容🐒-🦍,似乎只是将民族刻板印象发展到了深入的水平🐞-🌱🪶。2.This might seem like valuable ammunition.这看起来似乎是宝贵的武器😨🌦——|🎟🤕。3.That may seem like有帮助请点赞🐨||🐕。
When do leaves turn yellow?They turn yellow in Autumn.Why did his face turn red yesterday?His face turned red because he met that beautiful girl.seem What happened there?It seemed that a boy had been killed by someone.What's the weather like today?It seems as if it is going是什么🤖_😮💐。
seem to do sth 意思及造句 要具体点的答案 谢谢??
1.感觉好象🐖————🍄🦆,就某人看来好象I can't seem to get the story straight.我好象不能理解这个故事2,好象He seems to have worked in sales for several years.他好象已在销售部工作多年.3,似乎存在🦓|🦡🀄:There seems no reason to postpone it.似乎没有理由推迟它到此结束了?⛅️_——🌻🤥。
he seems angry🌵_🐺🐑,意思是他看起来生气了💐🦆——_*。