



2024-07-19 19:27:41 来源:网络


5🌿|🐷、I miss you so much already and I haven’t even left yet!尽管还不曾离开😛_🌎,我已对你朝思暮想🐖🦖_|🌲!6🦂🦁||🙀🦢、You can’t have a better tomorrow if you don’t stop thinking about yesterday.如果你无法忘掉昨天😲🤬||🦖🐯,就不会有一个更好的明天🐝🦒||✨⛅️。7🌺-——🌿、Don’t judge someone’s past , when you haven是什么🦑_😜。
I have fish for dinner.晚餐我有鱼吃.She has a old car.她有一辆旧车.He has no idea.他没有主意.It has gone.


1.Will we have time to go there?我们将会有时间到那里去吗?2.Do you have back or neck pain?你有背痛或颈部酸痛问题吗?3.They have what you want to own.你想要的任何东西他们都有🌷_🐃。4.I have small ears and big feet.我有很小的耳朵和很大的脚😛——-🤪🎣。
5🦌🥇————🤫、Since I graduated from Nanjing University in 1985, I have kind of lost touch with my classmates.
We have a new teacher.We have a new P.E teacher.We have a new classroom.
Thet have a lot of money. 他们有很多钱🌝🍀_♠。Have some apples. 来点苹果吧🦕🤡——_🪴🦬。I have already finished my homework. 我已经完成我的作业了🤥🦜-_🐝🐹。I have fish for dinner. 晚餐我有鱼吃😿*_——🤠🐍。She has a old car. 她有一辆旧车🌍🐏-——*🐩。He has no idea. 他没有主意🦆🪄|😍*。He has gone. 他走了He 希望你能满意🥌🐾_-🐇🤖。
I have as much gold as silver. have 有的意思我拥有的金子和银子同样多👹_🌼。Can I have four hot dogs. have 拿能给我拿四个热狗I have rented a car for five days. have 已经我已经租了一辆车🐦🎋_🦍,可以用五天We have to allow him a bit of poetic licence. have 有帮助请点赞☀️🌿_🦏。
1.Since 2013,we have already know the earth can't be disappeared.从2013年以来🎈——_♦,我们已经知道没有世界末日🌈_-😃🐲。2.I have something important.我有一些重要的东西🐔😶——*。3.(1)We have some lessons every day.我们每天上课(2)She had her hair cut yesterday.昨天她理发了(3)We must have a 说完了🎴-😧。
用have had造句,??
1🃏-😿、have 英[həv] 美[hæv]aux用以构成完成式及完成式的不定式🐖——_🏒,表示已经…Vt.有🦮🏒|-😖🦖,具有🐰——🦫; 拿🌱|_☘️,取得🀄🪁_🦌; 从事😉🌸——_🍃🌳; 必须🐪-😜😈,不得不🐫🙊_🦔;n.〈口〉有产者🐬_|💐😃,有钱人🪁😣_*‍❄🦒; 富国😢😛-|🦖; 〈英俚〉欺骗🧧🐼|🐾,诈骗[例句]Alex has already gone 亚历克斯已经走了🐥🎴|🐲🌑。2😽|🐔、had have: [ hæv,həv ]a好了吧🌲🐂————🐐😜!
She has an apple every day . 她每天吃一个苹果🐄——|🎟。It has a tail 它有一条尾巴🐇🐡|😸🦇。We have seven classes in a day . 我们一天有7节课🌗|-♥。They have many storybooks . 他们有许多故事书🦋-🌏😖。You have a useful computer . 你有一台有用的电脑🐹😇-⛸✨。you 只能和have 连用🦇🐅——🕸,不管是单数还是负数一致👹_|🎾。