



2024-07-19 02:24:12 来源:网络


finish造句🦨|🐏:1🛷🎳——🌏、We expect to finish the work in two months.我们希望两个月内完成工作😥——😟。2🦘||🥇、The boss asked us to stay a little bit longer to finish this project.老板让我们再多留一会儿🐔🐆--🦚🥈,好做完这个项目🐹🦃-_🐾🐤。3🦁|_🐌、CHARLES : Will you finish on time?查尔斯🏵||🎇:你们能按时完工吗?4😉*-😮、To achieve vi等会说🦠-🌻。
His manner lacks finish.他的举止欠雅🐦♠|——🐗🐄。


finish造句 准 快急??
I have to finish this essay by next Tuesday.我必须在下星期二之前完成这论文*_*🪴。Anyway, please pray for us to finish it well.总之🪱🐌-🦇,请为我们祈祷🐕😡-😟🐁,电影顺利的完成吧🐫🦣-——🎭。Complete. Click Finish to exit the Print Wizard.完成🤠|🌒🌟。单击完成以退出打印向导🦒||🐏🍀。You have to finish the work with还有呢?
1🦃🌤||🌸、If you finish doing your work, you can do what you like.如果你做完你的工作🥉😵-😔🤿,你可以做你喜欢的事🥋|_🦕🌓。2🤨|🦘🐔、Every time after I finish doing Taijiquan, I feel like a new person.每次我打完太极拳🐅|🌼,都感觉像换了一个人似的🤭🦌|🐜🦈。3💀🦛——🧨、You can't go out and play before you finish doing your好了吧😰-|🌎🌕!
现在🤔🐆-_♠:It takes us 2 weeks to finish it 过去🐷——-🎁🌺:It took us 2 weeks to finish it last year 将来*‍❄__🐷:It will be finished by us in 2 weeks🌪_——🤥。望采纳🪅🐕‍🦺_|*!
③ - 例句1🌿✨——|🌤:I finished doing my homework before dinner.(我在晚饭之前完成了我的作业😩🌳——🎰🤐。)解释🧨__🐓🦕:这句话表示在晚饭之前完成了动作“做作业”🍁-——*。 例句2😲🍀——-🧨:After I finish to clean the kitchen, I will start to cook.(我清洁完厨房后😿|*,将开始做饭🤖——-🌳☹️。)解释🌕🙉--🦈🐡:这句话表示在完成“清洁厨房”这个后面会介绍🐨|——🪲。
I just finish cleaning my car.Can you finish signing all the paperworks before you hand them in.Afer I finished reading the book🌗🐊_⛅️,I returned them to the library immediately.
Do you finish reading my book whose cover is marked a butterfly? 我的那本封面上被标记了一只蝴蝶的书你看完了吗Would you mind opening the window? 你介意去开一下窗户吗Would you mind my opening the window? 你介意我把窗户打开吗After a short break,I go on doing my homework到此结束了?🌹——🐰。.
finish doing sth造句??
Let's finish painting the floor 望采纳🐇_——😈,
1. Our class begins at 3 o'clock.我们的课三点开始2.This wine was bought in 1980.这瓶葡萄酒是1980年买的🐝🦠|_🤨。3. I shopped from 8 am to 6 pm yesterday.昨天我逛街从早上8点到下午6点🪴😖-🎲。4.It's take two years' time to finish this project.这个工程耗时两年完成🤡🕸-🌵。5.Let's go for是什么🐁🎿_😩🐈‍⬛。